Too often we underestimate the power of the truth, listening, a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.The holidays are upon us and many are worried about their finances. To often the worry is, how am I going to pay for Christmas? Well, I'm concerned about my finances too, but I'm not worrying about paying for Christmas. My friends, when are we going to realize what God is showing us and allowing to happen. Economical times have people losing there minds and depression is at an all time high. For years we have been losing sight of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Getting caught up in stuff and it's easy to get caught up in it the way our society is today. This is a time of memories, joys, fellowship and giving. Not giving because you have it but giving because you want to give and when you don't have. We can all give in some way regardless of our finances.
God uses people on a daily basis to fulfill His work. You may say why me? Well, why not you? Giving back to someone is a feeling that can't be bought it is priceless. So today or within next two weeks would you meditate on helping a local charity or someone in need. They are everywhere, from battered womens shelters, children that are left behind, those that have lost love ones or incarceration of a parent, perhaps our American soldiers families could use a little love from you. Nursing homes are another area around the holidays can be sad for our elderly some have families that don't care you can be that vessel that makes the difference. Look around your town, I know there is someone that would appreciate your helping hand.
You are a vessel to be used for good however, God gives us free will and it is your choice to choose to take action to care. I'm telling you it will warm your soul when you do.
Have a wonderful week my friends