Just returned from the Arnold Classic Expo and what a fulfilling weekend. I want thank all of my online supporters who shared with me this weekend. It was a pleasure meeting you all. We never realize that our actions are being watched until someone points them out. I'm thankful for the emails after this weekend, sharing how you all view me. I truly believe that you can be attractive n pretty on the outside however, beauty can only be from the inside. You have enriched my soul this weekend to re confirm that what I am doing means something to someone. That God is seen in all I do.
A young lady shared with me on Saturday that she was a little nervous about meeting me because so many in our sport are pretty but not very social able or they feel intimidated. Then after she met me she felt like she was renewed. I said we are not all like that many are beautiful inside and out. I thanked her for allowing me to, but it's just the God in me and the she in returned renewed me. It is a blessing to encourage because it encourages me.

To you all I say thank you. Have a magnificent Monday
Don't forget we are Talking Fit every Monday 9pm est. Live discussion on the FitChik4Life fan page on Face book click the link on the top left of this page.
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry