Friday, December 16, 2011

Your Path

A mans Path does not run straight on it's own.

It is amazing how many preach about integrity as if they walk such a straight path. We all have our issues and when someone points out another it makes you wonder; how straight is their path. Many just choose to walk a path that had different pattern of crookedness (sin). SMH. I remember a story of a Christian man had separated from his wife and 8years passed they never divorced however, he met someone else. His friend ridiculed him. But the friend that was telling him he is in sin was a homosexual. WOW! Now this is interesting. Both are in sin yet the man that is a homosexual was calling the other out on his sin. Need I type more. All I am saying is we can help one another by walking our own straight path.

I have asked asked God to help me make my path straight, then He reminds me everyday to keep on walking with him and by choice my path will become straight and easier to walk.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Examine Yourself from Joyce Meyer

This has allowed me to see just what God has for us to see and what the Devil does not want us to see. Allow this to help you to stop, look and learn to love the child that God loves...YOU! Explained perfectly

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?
—2 Corinthians 13:5 NKJV

The Bible tells us to examine ourselves, and I wholeheartedly agree that we need to do so. We should examine ourselves to see if we have sin, and if so, we should sincerely repent, then move on to living without that sin in our lives.

There is a great difference between examination and condemnation. Examination helps us prove to ourselves that we are in Christ and He is in us, and that in Him we have been set free from sin. Condemnation keeps us mired in the very sin we feel condemned about. It does not deliver us—it traps us! It weakens us and saps all our spiritual strength. We give our energy to feeling condemned rather than living righteously.

There is such a thing as excessive self-examination, and I personally believe it opens the door for much of the unbalance we see today in this area among God's children. To be overly introspective and continually examining our every move opens a door to Satan. In the past I experienced multiple problems in this area, and I know for a fact that you and I will never be confident in prayer until the problem is dealt with thoroughly and completely.

Lord, I ask You to search my heart and expose any sin in my life. I refuse to get trapped in endless introspection and condemnation. Set me free from all sin. Amen.

This has allowed me to see just what God has for us to see and what the Devil does not want us to see. Allow this to help you to stop, look and learn to love the child that God loves...YOU!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Preparation and Patience

Greeting friends

It's been a while since I have blogged, but have no fear I am still here.

I have approx. 26wks of mass building lifting. Goal is to hit the stage next year. It has been 2yrs since competing and life has changed tremendously for me. Never the less, my preparation for 2012 competitions is going to be exciting. WHY? Because with all the good times and painful lessons I am truly stronger than I have ever been. Through my mistakes may not be apart of Gods plans, he has shown me just how understanding he is with his patience to allow me to come right back in his arms. And rise again and again and again.

I've always believed that preparation precedes your blessings. Well, MJ is preparing for not just competition, but for a new area of success in my life. Love and Happiness is a choice.

God is so awesome how he protects his own, how he shows us ourselves the good, the bad and the ugly and then invites us into his arms unlike humans, and embraces us ever so gently. His patience with me as he prepares me is absolutely amazing.

Stay tuned as I share more with you on this journey. Thank you as always, for your love, prayers and support.

Those who say it can't be done should never ever interrupt the person trying to do it
-Let's Get fit

Friday, July 8, 2011

Today is my birthday!

Today I celebrate my 41st birthday. It has been a very fulfilling day thus far. My life at 41 is very different than it was at 35. There is some good, some regret, but thankful for every part of this 41years of living. See today I feel a new beginning. A chance to do things different a chance to take all I have been through and apply the learning to be better at 41, 42 and so on. Today, I am learning to BE ME. Learning to follow all of my dreams and not what people think. Today, I read my bible for ME, Mj. I prayed over every email that came to me crying out in need. Seeking God in everything I have to do. Walking in my faith and not in this world of doubt. Today, I put on the full armor and speak thou is with me.

Today I rise for the 41st year of my life, I rise, I RISE!

God bless you all.

Friday, June 17, 2011

I am now learning to LIVE!!

Follow Your Heart's Desires
by Joyce Meyer - posted June 17, 2011

Who is the man who reverently fears and worships the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that he should choose. He himself shall dwell at ease, and his offspring shall inherit the land.
—Psalm 25:12-13

To enjoy your life, start following the God-given desires of your heart instead of the desires of your flesh. You may need to mature in faith before you can tell the difference between your flesh and Spirit-led desires.

One way to tell if you are following a desire of your flesh is that when you step out to do it, you will lose your peace and face a struggle. If it is not of God, you will feel like you are pushing a dead horse uphill. If it is a God-given desire of the Spirit, it will work like a well-oiled machine. It will flow, with what I call a "Holy ease." Start your day right, and follow your heart.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Be Who You Are- FWD: Joyce Meyer

Be Who You Are
by Joyce Meyer - posted April 19, 2011

Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another.
—Galatians 5:26

In Galatians 6:4, the apostle Paul exhorts you to grow in the Lord until you come to the point you can have the personal satisfaction and joy of doing something commendable in itself alone without resorting to boastful comparison with other people.

Thank God, once you know who you are in Christ, you are set free from the stress of comparison and competition. You know you have worth and value apart from your works and accomplishments.

Therefore you can do your best to glorify God, rather than just trying to be better than someone else. What a glorious, wonderful freedom to be secure in Christ and not have to be controlled by strife, envy or jealousy.

You can be who God created you to be! He doesn't make mistakes!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Learning to give thanks in ALL things

Those who are thankful will always be blessed
This is re-post of my archived blogs and reminder to myself to always be thankful -MJ FitChik4Life

Learning to give thanks in ALL things(1 Thessalonians 5:18)

My prayer today is that you'll always be blessed even in your trials and tribulations. Some may ask how can you be blessed in a tribulation? Here is a perfect example, I lost my father in 2005 and it was and still is hard, but somehow God has given me this comfort that I know a human being could not provide. I still miss him and holidays are hard for me because he enjoyed holidays and he past 1week after New Years day, so though I think of him often I miss him most around the holidays.

I have chosen to be thankful for all the years God had him with us. I do miss him but the bible says in ALL, not some but ALL things be thankful.

So this week as I remind myself, I wanted to share with you and remind you that regardless of what things look like in ALL things give thanks for there is someone out there that have not what you have. There is someone out there that lost a friend and you still have yours, there is someone that had no food to eat and you just finished eating, there is someone that has no awareness of there faculties and you have all of yours. You don't want to go to the gym today and there is someone who can't go even if they wanted to. My friends look around you there is so much to be thankful for. Inspired from 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Don't be thankful when its sunny if you can't be thankful when it rains. A thankful heart is a soul that will forever be blessed-MJ

Monday, January 31, 2011

Choose to Please God

from Joyce Meyers ministires

Choose to Please God
January 31

Now am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God? Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ (the Messiah).
— Galatians 1:10

The apostle Paul said that in his ministry he had to choose between pleasing men and pleasing God. That is a choice you also must make.

If your goal is to build a name for yourself and win favor with people, it will cause you to live in fear of man rather than in fear of God.

For years I tried to build my own reputation among believers by striving to win the favor of men. But through bitter experience I learned I was submitting to a sort of slavery to people. God helped me realize I could only be truly free in Him.

If you are trying to build your reputation with people, it’s time to give up all your own human efforts and simply trust God. He will give you supernatural favor with the people that are right for you.

From the book Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Evening of the Year by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The King in Me! Working on MLK day

I own my own business, many asked MJ are you open today? I replied of course, if it wasn't for leaders like Dr. King and the grace of God I wouldn't even be able to open a business;The dream lives in me and YOU and YOU and YOU

On Dr. King Day as I was working the juice bar and serving shakes, then it dawned on me that I was serving whites, blacks, light and dark sitting at the counter drinking shakes TOGETHER. On this day of all days this meant so much to me. It has been less than fifty years since President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 that prohibits discrimination. An act that would make me equal. That is equal on paper. Before this signing my ancestors where persevering through hell, some made it and some did not. But after this signing there was more hell in America and today my heart goes out to all who endured for me to have this business where I serve people of all color. There are many that still are terrorized by the devastating affects from the hate and horror. God has shown my brothers and sisters mercy in many ways and still he shows mercy on our country both whites and black.

WHEN will we realize that In the final analysis the weakness of Black Power is its failure to see that the black man needs the white man and the white man needs the black man. ~Martin Luther King, Jr., From: Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?, 1967

It's not the color it's the power of being one-MJ Fox MLK Lives in me

Some may disagree but I am honored to be open on a day such as Dr. King Day because it shows his dream is ALIVE!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Renewed Mind

Romans 12:1-2,

The New Year always brings a fresh air. A new beginning, a change.
The mind is above all the key to a new beginning.
No change of mind = No change of life.

Mind renewal is critical because whoever directs and controls our thinking is ultimately the one who will direct and control our lives. In other words, how we think affects how we feel; how we feel influences our desires; and our desires finally produce our actions.

Therefore, if Satan can influence our thinking by keeping us immersed in our own natural, emotional way of responding, he has got us and he really doesn't have to do anything else. We've played right into his hands. He knows he'll win when we're consumed in our own problems, our own trials and our own circumstances, because then we'll be confused, discouraged and depressed. And this will immediately quench God's Spirit in us, and none of His Light or Love will be able to shine forth. We'll be forced to "live a lie." We must always realize that the battle is for our mind! Without a renewed mind, without the Mind of Christ in operation, we'll never be transformed into Christ's Image.

Think of what is hindering you from your goals. Now think of what you can do to change it. Here is the most critical step. DO IT!