Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Learning to give thanks in ALL things

Those who are thankful will always be blessed
This is re-post of my archived blogs and reminder to myself to always be thankful -MJ FitChik4Life

Learning to give thanks in ALL things(1 Thessalonians 5:18)

My prayer today is that you'll always be blessed even in your trials and tribulations. Some may ask how can you be blessed in a tribulation? Here is a perfect example, I lost my father in 2005 and it was and still is hard, but somehow God has given me this comfort that I know a human being could not provide. I still miss him and holidays are hard for me because he enjoyed holidays and he past 1week after New Years day, so though I think of him often I miss him most around the holidays.

I have chosen to be thankful for all the years God had him with us. I do miss him but the bible says in ALL, not some but ALL things be thankful.

So this week as I remind myself, I wanted to share with you and remind you that regardless of what things look like in ALL things give thanks for there is someone out there that have not what you have. There is someone out there that lost a friend and you still have yours, there is someone that had no food to eat and you just finished eating, there is someone that has no awareness of there faculties and you have all of yours. You don't want to go to the gym today and there is someone who can't go even if they wanted to. My friends look around you there is so much to be thankful for. Inspired from 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Don't be thankful when its sunny if you can't be thankful when it rains. A thankful heart is a soul that will forever be blessed-MJ