Monday, September 26, 2011

Preparation and Patience

Greeting friends

It's been a while since I have blogged, but have no fear I am still here.

I have approx. 26wks of mass building lifting. Goal is to hit the stage next year. It has been 2yrs since competing and life has changed tremendously for me. Never the less, my preparation for 2012 competitions is going to be exciting. WHY? Because with all the good times and painful lessons I am truly stronger than I have ever been. Through my mistakes may not be apart of Gods plans, he has shown me just how understanding he is with his patience to allow me to come right back in his arms. And rise again and again and again.

I've always believed that preparation precedes your blessings. Well, MJ is preparing for not just competition, but for a new area of success in my life. Love and Happiness is a choice.

God is so awesome how he protects his own, how he shows us ourselves the good, the bad and the ugly and then invites us into his arms unlike humans, and embraces us ever so gently. His patience with me as he prepares me is absolutely amazing.

Stay tuned as I share more with you on this journey. Thank you as always, for your love, prayers and support.

Those who say it can't be done should never ever interrupt the person trying to do it
-Let's Get fit