OK I have a 2010 goal to journal my 26weeks of training up to my 1st competition of the year. I'm setting everything in place to keep you all posted on a weekly basis. Will be posting a pic soon.
Come along for the ride better yet don't just follow me in the blog, why not join me for the first 16weeks. We are doing a FIT CHIK 4 LIFE CHALLENGE. If you have 15+ pounds or more you wanna lose then let's get it done. 16 weeks of professional Personal Training and Nutritional guidance. That's only 4 months.You can get right and tight by May 1st.
For more info email FitChik4Life@gmail.com We look forward to working with you. Sign up today and receive a FIT CHIK 4 LIFE Challenge bumper sticker. After your 1st 4wk goal is met you will be presented with one of our Signature FIT CHIK 4 LIFE T's.
Come on take the Challenge and make the statement that YOU ARE A FIT CHIK 4 LIFE...because fitness is your therapy.
Talk soon and have a fantabulous day -FIT CHIK 4 LIFEtm
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Sent via my BlackBerry
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Let's see if email blogger is working properly
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Those who are thankful will always be blessed
My prayer today is that you'll always be blessed even in your trials and tribulations. Some may ask how can you be blessed in a tribulation? Here is a perfect example, I lost my father in 2005 and it was and still is hard, but somehow God has given me this comfort that I know a human being could not provide. I still miss him and holidays are hard for me because he enjoyed holidays and he past 1week after New Years day, so though I think of him often I miss him most around the holidays.

So this week as I remind myself, I wanted to share with you and remind you that regardless of what things look like in ALL things give thanks for there is someone out there that has not what you have. There is someone out there that lost a friend and you still have yours, there is someone that had no food to eat and you just finished eating, there is someone that has no awareness of there faculties and you have all of yours. You don't want to go to the gym today and there is someone who can't go even if they wanted to. My friends look around you there is so much to be thankful for.
Don't be thankful when its sunny if you can't be thankful when it rains. A thankful heart is a soul that will forever be blessed-MJ
Merry Christmas to you all and may the peace of God be with you always
Hugs to all of you-MJ FitChik4Life
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Just believe
Believing in a dream can sometimes be harder than said. At times the road to that dream can seem unreachable. You stumble, you fall, but we all get up and when you do just keep stepping forward.You have heard me say, fall seven times, so what, get up eight.
You have heard the saying anything worth having is worth working for. Well my friends this includes your dream. As as an entrepreneur I realized that when you work for yourself you will work the hardest you have ever worked, if you want it to be successful. You are the marketing department, labor department, payroll, housekeeping, customer service department and what ever else your company needs. Yes, you are all of these and the hardest job of all, you're the CEO. What I am saying is you are the chief and the Indian, until you successfully grow to hire others and even then you will still have to be an Indian at times.
Action and effort is key in making your dreams come true but without the belief in your dream, yourself and the faith to know it is possible, all the action and effort can come to a halt. What I'm saying is they all go hand in hand to work together. If you have all the effort in the world and something doesn't work out the first, second, third time well, one can get discouraged. BUT if you believe in your heart that it can work then that will fuel the action to put fourth the effort for the fourth, fifth , tenth time.
Never lose sight of your goals. Believe that you can do anything and with Christ on your side you CANNOT fail. I always use myself as an example when talking to clients. I'm no different than them and have desires and dreams too. I have always wanted to compete. Years ago there was no figure category only fitness and I wanted to do it since my 20's. In 2005 I was blessed at age thirty-five to get on stage and do it. After many setbacks and weight gain there I was competing at age thirty-five and doing it well. Placed 1st in masters and 2nd in open. Here I am just four years later one year shy of forty years old and am a professional athlete. WOW!
You have heard the saying anything worth having is worth working for. Well my friends this includes your dream. As as an entrepreneur I realized that when you work for yourself you will work the hardest you have ever worked, if you want it to be successful. You are the marketing department, labor department, payroll, housekeeping, customer service department and what ever else your company needs. Yes, you are all of these and the hardest job of all, you're the CEO. What I am saying is you are the chief and the Indian, until you successfully grow to hire others and even then you will still have to be an Indian at times.
Action and effort is key in making your dreams come true but without the belief in your dream, yourself and the faith to know it is possible, all the action and effort can come to a halt. What I'm saying is they all go hand in hand to work together. If you have all the effort in the world and something doesn't work out the first, second, third time well, one can get discouraged. BUT if you believe in your heart that it can work then that will fuel the action to put fourth the effort for the fourth, fifth , tenth time.
Never lose sight of your goals. Believe that you can do anything and with Christ on your side you CANNOT fail. I always use myself as an example when talking to clients. I'm no different than them and have desires and dreams too. I have always wanted to compete. Years ago there was no figure category only fitness and I wanted to do it since my 20's. In 2005 I was blessed at age thirty-five to get on stage and do it. After many setbacks and weight gain there I was competing at age thirty-five and doing it well. Placed 1st in masters and 2nd in open. Here I am just four years later one year shy of forty years old and am a professional athlete. WOW!
When you believe you can do it. You can. Success comes in cans, not cant's.God has not failed me yet and he will not fail you. Just believeBe blessed my friends
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Being used...not always a bad thing
Too often we underestimate the power of the truth, listening, a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.The holidays are upon us and many are worried about their finances. To often the worry is, how am I going to pay for Christmas? Well, I'm concerned about my finances too, but I'm not worrying about paying for Christmas. My friends, when are we going to realize what God is showing us and allowing to happen. Economical times have people losing there minds and depression is at an all time high. For years we have been losing sight of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Getting caught up in stuff and it's easy to get caught up in it the way our society is today. This is a time of memories, joys, fellowship and giving. Not giving because you have it but giving because you want to give and when you don't have. We can all give in some way regardless of our finances.
God uses people on a daily basis to fulfill His work. You may say why me? Well, why not you? Giving back to someone is a feeling that can't be bought it is priceless. So today or within next two weeks would you meditate on helping a local charity or someone in need. They are everywhere, from battered womens shelters, children that are left behind, those that have lost love ones or incarceration of a parent, perhaps our American soldiers families could use a little love from you. Nursing homes are another area around the holidays can be sad for our elderly some have families that don't care you can be that vessel that makes the difference. Look around your town, I know there is someone that would appreciate your helping hand.
You are a vessel to be used for good however, God gives us free will and it is your choice to choose to take action to care. I'm telling you it will warm your soul when you do.
Have a wonderful week my friends
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Being an inspiration is good for the soul
Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.

BTW Campain FitChik4Life is in full force- more info email FitChik4Life@gmail.com
Upcoming Events:
Figure and Bikini Presentation/Posing clinic in Jan. 2010 Fayetteville, NC
Fit Chik 4 Life goes Red FITNESS FOR THE FIGHT!
AIDS/HIV Boot Camp Fitness Workout Comming in 2010
Fayetteville, NC and Charleston SC
want us in your city email FitChik4Life@gmail.com
Fayetteville, NC and Charleston SC
want us in your city email FitChik4Life@gmail.com
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Joy does come in the morning!
Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness, because weeping only endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Last night was rough. It started with my 6am client I was feeling fatigued all day and I did not have much of an appetite and those that know really know me know a sista can eat. I had 2 eggs for breakfast and lunch was some wild n brown rice with tuna. About 1pm I was feeling like poop.
Tired and feeling extremely bloated. After teaching boot camp class and training 5 clients I was ready to go home so I pressed through with another client and drank some tea thinking if its gas it should help my client is a nurse so I was safe with her right. lol.
Well I CX my 3:30 and praise God my 5:30 CX with me, so went home as I was driving home the abdominal cramping got worse and worse and Jesus had to hear his name the way I was calling on him.
I was hot then cold then hot then cold and of course traffic was not light. WHY WHY WHY? I get home and my other half is on his way. I throw up and the pain is a tad less than it was.
OMG Lord please I don't want to get sick-please take it away.
So I lay on the bathroom floor because I was scared to go to far from the toilet. While waiting on hubby my client calls and keeps me company on the phone. My hubby shows up and sees me on the floor and falls to his knees I had to reassure him I was gonna be OK, just in some pain. So we make it back to the bed and he prays over me hard and strong I just knew in my heart that it will pass. I kept reminding myself weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Problem is we just never know how long the night will be. But our faith and hope tells us it will not last. So long story short I tossed and turned and tossed and moaned. Heating pad to ice pack, to sweating to cold. I threw up again about 1:30am then lied back down and all I know is I slept. OH! JOY COMES IN THE MORNING-Thank you Lord. My side was a little soar still but I can stand up straight Hallelujah. I just thank God for his mercy, his grace and ability to hear and heal. Hallelujah
As I try to be still today in my time of rest this quote comes to mind about Christ dying for me
Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness, because weeping only endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
The word endures gives us strength, but the waiting is out hope we know the joy is coming, the when of it all is our faith. Have an awesome day my friends.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hello can make a difference
Today I learned something about myself. Many tell me MJ you care to much. Well I did not think so but today I guess I do. I always think as a Christian we should do what Christ would do. Ya know, forgive, give, except, love, care, donate, understand or empathize with our brother or sister
What puzzles and saddens my heart is how selfish, and hateful we as humans can be. Yet how God created us to have the ability to be extremely compassionate. My friends to care and love is a choice.
I hope the things I blog about though they are about my life and my views I pray that they will touch a soul to embrace the goodness that we all have in us.
Please today call a friend you have not spoke to in a while. Maybe you are not close or have not talked to a family member in a while. Just reach out and let them know you thought about them. What about the friend or co worker that had a death in the family a last month or even last year the holidays are coming and it will be hard for some. Ya know someone is going through right now. Please pick up the phone and say hello I was thinking of you. Trust me you can make a difference.
What puzzles and saddens my heart is how selfish, and hateful we as humans can be. Yet how God created us to have the ability to be extremely compassionate. My friends to care and love is a choice.
I hope the things I blog about though they are about my life and my views I pray that they will touch a soul to embrace the goodness that we all have in us.
Please today call a friend you have not spoke to in a while. Maybe you are not close or have not talked to a family member in a while. Just reach out and let them know you thought about them. What about the friend or co worker that had a death in the family a last month or even last year the holidays are coming and it will be hard for some. Ya know someone is going through right now. Please pick up the phone and say hello I was thinking of you. Trust me you can make a difference.
A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love
'Til you give it away.
Blessing to you all -MJ your FitChik4Life
Friday, October 16, 2009
Workout Therapy
Today I was off mostly, only two clients. It's been raining the majority of the week so today was a kinda cool, stay in the bed, drink hot chocolate and watch a movie kinda day ya know. But its Friday and I figured there will be no one in the gym so I am going to get some therapy time in just me, my body and some iron. OOOOOHHHHH this is gonna be an awesome workout I can feel it.
So I was talking with a friend and said I'm going to get a workout in she said dang MJ take a break. But she doesn't understand that this week was crazy and my workouts have suffered. When my workouts suffer, my therapy time suffers, because for me it's a mental relief as well as physical. So I replied, girl this is my dang break.
Peace out friends I am going to lift.
So I was talking with a friend and said I'm going to get a workout in she said dang MJ take a break. But she doesn't understand that this week was crazy and my workouts have suffered. When my workouts suffer, my therapy time suffers, because for me it's a mental relief as well as physical. So I replied, girl this is my dang break.
Peace out friends I am going to lift.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
New beginnings!
Today is a new day. It is 7:13am and it's cool outside and my mind is thinking wow! many did not live to see October 14, 7:13am but I did. So I wake up with this thought which I repeat to myself often.
I can change nothing about yesterday, but I can surely ruin today by worrying about tomorrow.
With that said I will rejoice in today for I know that God has my tomorrow already worked out. May God bless each of you today with peace and joy.
Remember to train hard, eat well and often always love the body your building
-MJ, FitChik4Life
I can change nothing about yesterday, but I can surely ruin today by worrying about tomorrow.
With that said I will rejoice in today for I know that God has my tomorrow already worked out. May God bless each of you today with peace and joy.
Remember to train hard, eat well and often always love the body your building
-MJ, FitChik4Life
Monday, October 5, 2009
Conversations with my Father
The God I serve is so awesome. He is the perfect parent. He knows how strong I am and understands when I can't stand. I feel him lift me up so many times when it did not feel as if I could move forward. Daily he reminds me that I should fear nothing because He is with me. I have learned not to dwell or tell him about my difficulties just talk to him, he already knows what's going on but he wants me to focus on him and not the situation. Often times life gets so crazy, busy and I feel overwhelmed with the daily commitments but taken the time to just converse with him on my drive to and from. The quiet conversation of praise I give him in the shower. The hardest part of my cardio when I want to just stop I close my eyes and he appears to get me through. WOW what an awesome God.
Those that know me know I love to talk and God gives me these reasons because lately I find all I want to do is praise him over and over and over. As I am going through my trials, my injuries and life just happening I can't do anything but PRAISE HIM!!! Sorry guys but I am just so full right now. I am telling those that are going through something right now, to speak to that mountain and command it to move. What ever that mountain is speak to it, in Jesus name. It maybe fears of failing, well move that fear. It maybe finances, then speak life into your wallet. It could be you health, rebuke that sickness and speak healing. Just a little faith will move the largest mountain. Maybe that mountain ain't moving and Gods plan is to take you up it. Well get ready to climb just know he will not leave you, nor will he let go, but you must hold on his hand will not change. Don't beg him just praise him. He will carry you. How do I know? Well my friends he is carrying me right now.
Thank you Lord for your daily teachings. You are so merciful. Hallelujah!!!
Those that know me know I love to talk and God gives me these reasons because lately I find all I want to do is praise him over and over and over. As I am going through my trials, my injuries and life just happening I can't do anything but PRAISE HIM!!! Sorry guys but I am just so full right now. I am telling those that are going through something right now, to speak to that mountain and command it to move. What ever that mountain is speak to it, in Jesus name. It maybe fears of failing, well move that fear. It maybe finances, then speak life into your wallet. It could be you health, rebuke that sickness and speak healing. Just a little faith will move the largest mountain. Maybe that mountain ain't moving and Gods plan is to take you up it. Well get ready to climb just know he will not leave you, nor will he let go, but you must hold on his hand will not change. Don't beg him just praise him. He will carry you. How do I know? Well my friends he is carrying me right now.
Thank you Lord for your daily teachings. You are so merciful. Hallelujah!!!
In my talk with God through out today he kept whispering I hear you, I hear you MJ. I finally said I hear you too and a calm overcame like never before.
Blessings to you all tonight-
MJ your Fit Chik 4 Life
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
When the going gets tough!
When the going gets tough the tough stand strong.
Sometimes we have to just go through to become strong for it is in our weakest moment that we are actually becoming stronger.
I was training the other day and I was working hard. I was fatigued and mentally drained from a long day of training others but it was when I felt I could not get another rep out. My mind was thinking Lord I have 2 weeks to present and fininsh at this show. My shoulders where burning and then I heard this inner voice say MJ come on get it out. I thought just one more MJ one more. I got one more out then another then another and OMG another. My shoulders where on FIRE but I felt like, they where stronger than boulders. Hmmmm it was a fantabulous shoulder workout.
When you put fourth the effort, God will do the rest.
When the going gets tough and you feel weak I dig deep deep and RISE RISE RISE!!!!!
Sometimes we have to just go through to become strong for it is in our weakest moment that we are actually becoming stronger.
I was training the other day and I was working hard. I was fatigued and mentally drained from a long day of training others but it was when I felt I could not get another rep out. My mind was thinking Lord I have 2 weeks to present and fininsh at this show. My shoulders where burning and then I heard this inner voice say MJ come on get it out. I thought just one more MJ one more. I got one more out then another then another and OMG another. My shoulders where on FIRE but I felt like, they where stronger than boulders. Hmmmm it was a fantabulous shoulder workout.
When you put fourth the effort, God will do the rest.
When the going gets tough and you feel weak I dig deep deep and RISE RISE RISE!!!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Life is to short to stress over things-
in the end what really matters are not things at all!
So what really matters. Well, sometimes that depends on the individual, but I have found that it is the time we take to let someone know you care. We live in a fast paced, texting, sexing, forward the email kinda world and nothing is better than that of a human voice the vibrations of the soft tone of I love you or can I help you. Taking that hour lunch or just taking a drive with a friend allows us to share, vent and exhale just how life really is. If you find you have know one to do this with or for, my best suggestion is to talk with God.
Spend a moment with him in the morning. Turn the TV off in the evening and thank him for all he has done for that day. If you think about it, every second someone dies. My friends if you are still reading this blog you are blessed. See that seems so easy but it is not because it is truly his grace that allowed you to continue to read. I am so thankful for the breath he gives me daily. As you talk with him for that moment your relationship with him builds and just like a friend your moments become longer and longer. The most wonderful thing about this relationship is he WILL NEVER forsake you. He is a rock that will always be there. I know for myself.
Talk to him about all the THINGS you are stressing about. I am and it is a calming response he gives me that softly says I got you MJ-
hmmmm What a mighty God I serve.
If you are gonna pray then no worries. If you are gonna worry then just don't pray. Believe that He's got you.
...because he does.
G'night-MJ FitChik4Life
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~Newt Gingrich
Today is a bleachers, sprint, plyometrics, abs and hamstrings day. Say that 5x in a row. It rained last night and I slept so hard. It is wet this morning outside so I know I need to be careful. I am now 3 weeks out from my show in NY and what's even more exciting is I get to see my family especially my mom. Hopefully they will all be at the show and that has me pretty stoked.
My mom's birthday is 3 days before my show. I will eat cake with her after the show. lol. Yep, I just have to learn that even though I am competing life is still gonna happen. I already have been taught this many many times.
In 2005 my husband and I bought our first home, the first year I started competing. 6 months later we had a house fire. It started due to a LICENSED HVAC company trying to fix our old furnace which we where gonna replace in the summer of that year. Well long story short we had to live in a hotel for 3 1/2 months. I dieted down for my second show in an extended stay hotel room. My husband deployed while we where there. So it was just me and my cat dieting, working with contractors and then moving back in. I remember moving back in and packing my suits up on top of all the boxes. A few friends came over and help me cook fish and bag asparagus up. It was crazy, but I learned that you can do anything you want when you are determined.
The show was a 2006 GNC Masters show and you can earn your pro card their. I didn't now that until I got to the show. I didn't even know it was an NPC national show. All in all, I got 6th place and I look back and that was pretty darn placement for a 2nd show and 308 competitors.
Again when you are determined you can do anything-God has shown me that I am more than a conqueror.
Holla back at me anytime-MJ FitChik4Life Fox
Friday, August 28, 2009
Get it in! Grrr.....
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.
OK, so I was suppose to be at the gym at 5:30 and it is now 6:51am. I over slept, but that's OK because I am still gonna get it in and get it done. I used to beat myself up because I failed at an expectation I made for myself. Well not anymore I am proud I am able to get up.
Many times we feel, awww man , it's to late I can do it now. WHY? Something is way better than nothing.
When I woke up I had to pray even though I was late according to my planed day. I don't have my first gym client until 11:30am and I have an appt at 9am. I will be OK with time. I just won't have enough time to do anything else in between my first meal and my 9am appt. God has a way of when you have good intentions He amazes me how He works it out.
I serve a God who can take all my plans that I failed to accomplish and create a new with better results than the plan I put together. Why? Because He is an all knowing God and I am thankful He is my Father.
Will holla at ya later, blessings to you all. Lesson today-Get over it and don't sweat the small stuff. -MJ FitChik4Life Fox 3wks and 1day out till showtime again.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Come on in!
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