Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello can make a difference

Today I learned something about myself. Many tell me MJ you care to much. Well I did not think so but today I guess I do. I always think as a Christian we should do what Christ would do. Ya know, forgive, give, except, love, care, donate, understand or empathize with our brother or sister

What puzzles and saddens my heart is how selfish, and hateful we as humans can be. Yet how God created us to have the ability to be extremely compassionate. My friends to care and love is a choice.
I hope the things I blog about though they are about my life and my views I pray that they will touch a soul to embrace the goodness that we all have in us.
Please today call a friend you have not spoke to in a while. Maybe you are not close or have not talked to a family member in a while. Just reach out and let them know you thought about them. What about the friend or co worker that had a death in the family a last month or even last year the holidays are coming and it will be hard for some. Ya know someone is going through right now. Please pick up the phone and say hello I was thinking of you. Trust me you can make a difference.

A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love
'Til you give it away.

Blessing to you all -MJ your FitChik4Life


  1. beautifully said my sister, I love you and you do make a difference.

  2. Thanks Sis, you are my inspiration. I am planning my future marathon with you one day. UH not sure when. I love you miss you much


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