Friday, April 2, 2010

What Good (Holy) Friday and Easter means to MJ

I was asked what Easter means to me and it was an opportunity to tell someone what he did for us.

Many of you know I am a Christian.  I don't shout it at the top of my lungs or lay hands on everyone I see, but I try to never block the light that is in me.  The light of the Lord.  Easter is a very important time of year to many and to Christians it is a renewal.  Just as Spring is to many.  Life has been a bit rough for me and so much has been happening lately. Lots of good and I wont call the rest bad I will say it has been learning curves.  Today, Good Friday is a reminder to me that God loves me regardless.  God thought enough of us that he sacrificed his ONLY son just for you and me.  Jesus was crucified and it hurts my heart, but I feel so loved today.  To know that he loved me enough to die for me, for my sins.

2010 has been full of endings and new beginnings in my life and the crucifixion of Jesus seemed like the end however, the resurrection proves the beginning. The beginning of a new life. Eternity.

I feel forever loved due to his sacrifice.  I am so thankful that His love is unconditional.

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.

Today is Good (Holy) Friday-I am grateful, for my Father thought enough to die for my (our) sins. When I feel down, I ask, Jesus you love me this much, that you died for me. Don't know if you know someone that would do that, but today I remind you that there is someone that did. Just for you and me Now that’s love.  

Many heartfilled blessings to you all to today, tomorrow and everyday.

MJ-Your FitChik4Life

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