Sunday, January 31, 2010

22wks. Here we go!!!

OK we have 22wks till shine time and I did promise to post progress pics.  So here we go this is me right now!!! UGH! Surely not ready for the stage.  My calorie intake is 1850-2300cals. I am trying to gain size but my goal right now is to get a bit tighter, more conditioning over the next 4wks. This does not mean I am trying to lean out entirely. My calories must stay high if I am gonna gain anything. However, I am trying to stay fairly clean.  My biggest thing is gaining size and more shape in my legs inner and outer quad.  I will be doing lots of power-lifting moves to gain the overall thicker look.

I must admit the one thing I have falling short with the last few months are my supplements.  I don't take anything extreme or illegal, and at almost 40yrs. old I need to use my supplements and food the best I can to grow and get the look I need to shine on stage.  This takes DISCIPLINE.  So I've gotten my mind focused on being more consistent with my supps. Some of my supplements include a Multi-Vitamin, BCAA, EFA's, B-complex, Antioxidant formula, L-Arginine (Amino Acids), Protein, Glutamine this is just an example of what I take daily.  Due to my diet being so limited, although I eat a lot, I can't get certain nutrients and minerals from the food because there is not much variety.

It took a big slice of humble pie to post these, but it is my way of sharing with you that I am no different than you and this is a way to make myself accountable to you my viewers. 

22wks out I will be posting more pics in 4wks. You can follow me more here Support MJ Fox onlineIf you would like to diet down with me and workout using my program email me at You will get all my daily regime that I do. Plus personal guidance on finding what works for you. Remember the road will not be easy if it was then everyone would be at their fitness goals with that said meditate on this:
Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles he had to overcome while trying to succeed-
 Train hard, eat well and often, love the body you're building-MJ FitChik4LifeTM

If you are reading my blog and are interested in sponsoring me please email any help with my competitions would be appreciated.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Craving what?

It's been a long day. I hope you all have been on your A game this week. Remember we have a goal. Please remind yourselves of how good you feel when you workout. How much better you sleep. New goal this week. CRAVINGs. Grrrrr. What is happening with your diets? Talk to me. What are you craving?
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry

Friday, January 29, 2010

You put fourth the effort...

OK, so I am 24 weeks out till shine time and right now I am about to hit some cardio.  It has been a long week. I had some gains in this leg workout, praise God. Many of you know about my back injury and I have not been able to leg press, lunge or do free weight squats (using Olympic bar) for about 3-4month now. Well, Wednesday I did. I had 95lbs on the bar I went slow and me and God where connected at every single rep. It was awesome. I did 8 sets and I was beaming all the way. That's not a lot of weight for me, but it was a step in the direction I thought I would not be able to go.  I am so grateful. Legs have been the area that I have had the most challenge with in the sport of bodybuilding.

So I will take my time working legs, in doing this I have been able to make the mind to muscle connection I need to, instead of just focusing on the heavy weights I used to push. God has his reason for everything.  Now, last night my back was extremely painful. I stretched, soaked, prayed. This morning it's tight BUT God. OH yes, it's feeling much better. This goes with the saying my clients and friends here me say: 

You put fourth the effort, God WILL do the rest.
I am a living testimony of this.  Just remember each one of us effort, measures differently, depending on our capabilities. God knows what we are capable of, he just wants us to know what HE is capable of.

Remember to join us every Monday night at 9pm EST for TALKING FIT! Live discussion.  You got questions, we got answers. Certified trainers and Professional athletes will chat with you live. Join us at Monday at 9pm

Have a blessed and fantabulous weekend my friends
MJ, FitChik4Life

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bleachers and a prayer!

Here we go. It's bleacher day. YEAH BABY!!! I hope you all have been getting it in.  Don't lose sight of your goals. I am hitting bleachers in the A.M.   As I head to my workout I can't stop thinking of all those in Haiti. My Father in heaven please here my prayer, have mercy on this country, Lord God. Have mercy on each soul.  Why this has happened many will only speculate, but God I know you have a plan.  I speak blessing for this place and a renewal with a new focus on who you are. In Jesus name I pray-Amen

The stars are constantly shining, but often we do not see them until the darkest hours.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

DIY project gone bad...

Ok so I'm doing some DIY projects that require me to paint and my last piece to paint I decided to take out on my balcony and paint it. I'm ready to go. So I close my balcony door so no spray paint blows into the house. I was waiting on someone to call me back and realize my cell phone was inside. Then it dawned on me, I just closed the glass balcony door with an anti theft door jab bar. Oooopppsss.
 Wow guys! I am locked out my house. On the second floor. And just to set the record straight to all you carb depleted folks. I was not low on carbs lol. So I stand there looking into my place and wondering how am I gonna get out. After feeling a little stressed I looked up and said Lord talk to me. Why I became so come was nothing but God.  So I just started spray painting as if I wasn't even locked out.  My patio is completely screened in by the way. So I'm finished and it looks great. Now, Ok MJ ask God what he would do. Yes I do talk to him and myself often. (Smile). So bang on the floor to see if my neighbor can here me and I get nothing.  OH LORD what do I do. I am thinking I can rip the screen and climb down I'm only on the 2nd floor and for some reason I'm hearing the theme music from mission impossible. So I climb down onto this old broken fence, from there I was able to jump on top of the trash can and then onto the ground. Yes the mission impossible music was loud and clear. I do believe this is what Jesus would do but his theme music would have been a little different maybe. (Smile)   Wow what an interesting experience this was. Why this never happens on HGTV. Lol. Be blessed my friends.

Sometimes you just gotta laugh-

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ooohhhh Legs!

OK I'm about to hit it. Today is the first time in about 2mo. that I will do smith machine squats. I've been diagnosed with Arthritis in my lower back and a degenerative disc at the L5 area.UGH! This is from my injury right before the Jacksonville Pro show in July 08. Soooo to bring you up to speed I've been working my legs in a creative way, since traditional exercises are limited for me. I can't put weight on my shoulders. How many of you know you can't keep a Fit Chik 4 Life down. Empowered to rise I promised to be the best I've been. So legs are getting hit hard today. In a smart way ;) Blessing to you all and I hope you had a successful week with your goals. I did get my cardio in all week. YEAH! Holla back and thanks for the comments. Keep sharing
Remember, train hard, eat well and often,love the body you're building-MJ FitChik4Life
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry

Thursday, January 7, 2010

To Daddy, with love

Today I remember you as I do everyday. The way you talked. The things you did, yes Daddy I do remember you. Today I am a better person because of the things you showed me, because of the things you gave me, because of the way you where, yes Daddy I remember you. Daddy, you made mistakes and because of them I am a better women, yes Daddy I really do remember them. You and Mommy taught me how to fish and I now eat forever. Yes Daddy I will remember you. You made me believe I can do anything in your very own way, you made me believe, I can do the impossible, yes Daddy I remember you. You told me to never settle unless it was ok on my mind. I now know what you meant. You told me you wanted me be better do better and live better than you, oh Dad I remember you. Daddy I know you had time in your later years to accept Christ and I'm ever so grateful that one day I'm gonna see you again and I can't wait to hug you because, you'll remember me. Daddy R.I.P

My friends please don't let this day end without telling someone you love them.

My heart goes out to the Velandra Family may God give you peace and Heavens rejoice as another Saint is now home. In Jesus name
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO representative Sent via my BlackBerry

Monday, January 4, 2010

No worries, I'm OK! Let's set a goal

OK. After the last post I think you all are a bit concerned about me. Thanks, but let me clarify I am depressed sometimes. NOT always. So what I am saying is I am focusing on the solution not the problem. After all I already know what the problem is, right?

So let's move toward achieving our goals.  Stepping on the giants.  My first giant is I get a lil weary in well doing. The bible says let us not grow weary in well doing.  I am trying to remove what gets me weary. I find it is the long term grind of it all. See when I am dieting down, trying to stay focus on the goal of building these legs and presenting a better package, ya know, life happens.

When life happens it can really derail you.  You'll find that stress is a culprit the enemy uses to cause us to fall short. Making us tired and weary, is his goal to wear you down. My friends I say this., WE MUST stand our ground when life is happening. NO MORE of the old way of everything take precedence over our fitness. NO! I am learning to commit to MJ this time and I want you to commit to you too.

Friends, it's not selfish but it may take a little more planning when you have another commitment that is the result of life happening.

Here is an example. Last week, we lost a loved one. So there was a funeral to plan.  I offered to do the program and obituary for the funeral. This means the layout, editing, printing and such.  As a family we needed to save and doing it ourselves was the best way to do it. It was a very hard task not just on managing my time with all my other projects but it was an emotional challenge too.  See my Dad past away in 2005 this very same time of the year, January 7th to be exact. My normal days are long and get hectic as the day goes by. So instead of putting my workout off till the evening, each morning I had to get up earlier to ride my bike to stay on track and it helped me manage the stress of my emotions better.

One of the main things it did was helped me have a sense of accomplishment before the day got started. Because though life was happening, I was doing what I had planned to do in spite of.

My friends don't let the normal occurances of life stop you from your goals.  We sometimes give the enemy to much credit. Come on enough is enough.

This weeks goal accomplishment
#1: Don't get weary in well doing.
For each day is a new opportunity to get closer to accomplishing your dreams.

So set a cardio goal for the next 4weeks.  Allow nothing to stand in your way of this. If mornings are less stressful then do it then. MAKE TIME FOR YOU!

My goal: is to do cardio every morning M-F this means I cant sleep in and Tue and Thur have a 6am client so I will have to do it when I am done with her at the gym.

May God bless you this week. Stay focused-MJ FitChik4Life

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010-Better than I've been!

Happy New Year to you all. Today is new day. New beginnings and I must say 2009 was a very interesting year. Many learning curves for me. Teaching me more and more about myself. The good the bad and the ugly.(smile)
I am learning to put me (MJ) first and not feel guilty about it.  I have embraced some injuries that have helped me better understand what some of my clients are going through.  In addition, I am going through something that many people are going through; depression. Yes, I am admitting it and some of you need to. We all go through it and some of us stay in it longer than the other. It really hit me last year.  Many ups and downs but don't get it twisted. God was there the entire time.

Now this blog today is not for those who got it together. Ya know those that everyday is a great day. Nah this ones not for you. This is for my brothers and sisters who have gone through and are still. This is for those that want to be better than they have been. This is for those who have some giants that need to be stepped on and kicked out.  If that's you, then read on. 

I always ask God to use me and he has sent many in my life to help me and for me to help. He also allowed me to see those that where there to harm me too. Had I not experienced the trials I had in life I would not be able to really help others.  I mean lets face it. It is hard to ask a dog about being a cat, right? Well if either the cat or dog answer you, you have more going on than depression. (smile). No worries a psychiatrist can help with both issues. lol

What I am saying is depression is a natural thing and you can learn from it. I have and still am learning that depression, many times, is a way to show you your faults or weakness within your emotions.  I mean much of my depression comes from the fact that I fear failing. I am a perfectionist. I except others faults but not my own.

Well, God keeps reminding me that inspite of I am still in his book and my friends that's a wonderful unconditional love I just can't live without.

Though last year was rough and seemed like a set back or let down, my faith tells me that this is the beginning of my set up.

A set up for blessings and forward movement in my life. I have not let go of my faith therefore ,I will not grow weary in well doing.  Because God has told me that my set back was not that at all. It was a set up for the awesome blessings he has in-store for me.  I will be talking about this more because I am amazed at how many of us are dealing with it and are acting out through other things due to the depression.  Let's break free from this together. Lets stomp that giant on the head and get fit, get financially healthy, repair our relationships, get that promotion or job we want. 2010 using your giants to step forward.

I say to you all don't get discouraged don't drop your head. Weeping endures for a night BUT joy does come in the morning.  May today and everyday of your lives be filled with the richness that can't be earned but was bought for you and me by the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior my King of Kings, my heavenly father Jesus the Christ.

Remember your set back may just be a set up! Oh taste and see that the Lord is so so good.

Remember you can leave me a comment anytime good or bad. Gods is teaching me things through all of it