I must admit the one thing I have falling short with the last few months are my supplements. I don't take anything extreme or illegal, and at almost 40yrs. old I need to use my supplements and food the best I can to grow and get the look I need to shine on stage. This takes DISCIPLINE. So I've gotten my mind focused on being more consistent with my supps. Some of my supplements include a Multi-Vitamin, BCAA, EFA's, B-complex, Antioxidant formula, L-Arginine (Amino Acids), Protein, Glutamine this is just an example of what I take daily. Due to my diet being so limited, although I eat a lot, I can't get certain nutrients and minerals from the food because there is not much variety.
It took a big slice of humble pie to post these, but it is my way of sharing with you that I am no different than you and this is a way to make myself accountable to you my viewers.
22wks out I will be posting more pics in 4wks. You can follow me more here Support MJ Fox onlineIf you would like to diet down with me and workout using my program email me at FitChik4Life@gmail.com. You will get all my daily regime that I do. Plus personal guidance on finding what works for you. Remember the road will not be easy if it was then everyone would be at their fitness goals with that said meditate on this:
Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles he had to overcome while trying to succeed-Train hard, eat well and often, love the body you're building-MJ FitChik4LifeTM
If you are reading my blog and are interested in sponsoring me please email FitChik4Life@gmail.com any help with my competitions would be appreciated.