Here we go. It's bleacher day. YEAH BABY!!! I hope you all have been getting it in. Don't lose sight of your goals. I am hitting bleachers in the A.M. As I head to my workout I can't stop thinking of all those in Haiti. My Father in heaven please here my prayer, have mercy on this country, Lord God. Have mercy on each soul. Why this has happened many will only speculate, but God I know you have a plan. I speak blessing for this place and a renewal with a new focus on who you are. In Jesus name I pray-Amen
The stars are constantly shining, but often we do not see them until the darkest hours.
I workout daily to clear my head and love the endorphins...I cannot seem to get the images from the TV out of my head either. My heart is breaking for all the kids that lost their parents - they must be so scared. UGH!!!