OK, so I am 24 weeks out till shine time and right now I am about to hit some cardio. It has been a long week. I had some gains in this leg workout, praise God. Many of you know about my back injury and I have not been able to leg press, lunge or do free weight squats (using Olympic bar) for about 3-4month now. Well, Wednesday I did. I had 95lbs on the bar I went slow and me and God where connected at every single rep. It was awesome. I did 8 sets and I was beaming all the way. That's not a lot of weight for me, but it was a step in the direction I thought I would not be able to go. I am so grateful. Legs have been the area that I have had the most challenge with in the sport of bodybuilding.
So I will take my time working legs, in doing this I have been able to make the mind to muscle connection I need to, instead of just focusing on the heavy weights I used to push. God has his reason for everything. Now, last night my back was extremely painful. I stretched, soaked, prayed. This morning it's tight BUT God. OH yes, it's feeling much better. This goes with the saying my clients and friends here me say:
You put fourth the effort, God WILL do the rest.
I am a living testimony of this. Just remember each one of us effort, measures differently, depending on our capabilities. God knows what we are capable of, he just wants us to know what HE is capable of.

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Have a blessed and fantabulous weekend my friends
MJ, FitChik4Life
Nice work out MJ I expect no less from you.