Oh what a blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly on any subject; with whom one's deepest as well as one's most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely. Oh, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person-having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.
This friend accepts us as we are; yet patiently helps us to be what we should. Ask your self do you have a friend? I do and he is a masterpiece. His name- JESUS!
If you didn't, know now you know.
Blessings to you all this holiday please know if you don't think you have a friend, think again. God is here all the time.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
MJ"Fit Chik 4 Life"Fox: There is a thief in our minds-I met my thief face ...
MJ"Fit Chik 4 Life"Fox: There is a thief in our minds-I met my thief face ...: "“Don't become a victim of yourself. Forget about the thief waiting in the alley; what about the thief in your mind?” I am having a wake up c..."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
There is a thief in our minds-I met my thief face to face!
“Don't become a victim of yourself. Forget about the thief waiting in the alley; what about the thief in your mind?”
I am having a wake up call. I have held myself to a higher standard of perfection because people look up to me and I find that when I fall short of this standard I allow the enemy and my mind to torment me as being less than God says I am. A special friend, I know loves me and I love him very much,shared with me this very subject and I must say it was very true. What hurt is the fact that I felt I was letting others down by not being perfect and letting myself down also.
Now some may relate to this and some may not but as I said my blogs are about learning and growing. I have stumbled fallen and now God is saying get up and who cares what man thinks just learn, hold on to my unchanging hand and press forward. Pick your head up and do not allow the weapons to prosper.
What is the weapon? you may ask. I have learned it can be your mind as well as circumstances, things and others. I have allowed what others think of me to become my thoughts and this self hate is NOT of God. I realize that the weapons that are formed against us can only prosper if we allow them. Unfortunately, I have allowed them. NO MORE will I be a victim or look at myself as such. NO I will not have self pity for myself and my wrongs or what people think.
Again, I have said when you pray for God to use you be sure to pray for strength. It's one thing to be used by God however, when we get personally involved our flesh can intervene in what he has us to do and this is where the chaos and a big mess is made.
God I praise you for your teaching I don't want to be right I just want to be right in you. When I am wrong if I repent then I will be right in you. I will not be able to please this world but I can please you. Lord, I surrender to you and all your ways. I will no longer lean on my own understanding I will listen to you. If I fall I know you will pick me up and allow me to repent, for this I say thank you in advance and I praise you for your unconditional love.
Inspired from the sermon at The Park Ministries by Bishop Claude Richard Alexander, Jr. titled :A Piece of Work! Yes I am a piece of work. I thank him daily for what he is teaching me, showing me and molding to be. I am a under construction.
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fit chik 4 life,
mj fox,
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Friday, October 15, 2010
Finding comfort in God
God can make any pain go away if we believe.
I have learned that when I am feeling alone or like no one understands-God does.
He gives me comfort in spite of myself. He accepts me and loves me unconditionally and this my friends takes the FEELING of loneliness away.
Loneliness is a feeling
Loneliness is one of the scourges of humanity. It seems to affect everyone regardless of age or ethnicity. Whether you're a PhD or high school dropout, rich or poor, you're equally vulnerable. What exactly is loneliness? It is a FEELING that intimacy, understanding, friendship, and acceptance are missing from one's life. It is a FEELING of isolation or separation from others, a FEELING of being all alone. We need to realize that loneliness is nothing more than a feeling. After all, you are not your arms or legs, for they are just parts of your body. Similarly, you are not your feelings, which are just parts of your psyche.
Talk to God about this feeling of loneliness. Allow his love to envelope your physical as well as your mental
Be still and know that he is God all by himself.
I have learned that when I am feeling alone or like no one understands-God does.
He gives me comfort in spite of myself. He accepts me and loves me unconditionally and this my friends takes the FEELING of loneliness away.
Loneliness is a feeling
Loneliness is one of the scourges of humanity. It seems to affect everyone regardless of age or ethnicity. Whether you're a PhD or high school dropout, rich or poor, you're equally vulnerable. What exactly is loneliness? It is a FEELING that intimacy, understanding, friendship, and acceptance are missing from one's life. It is a FEELING of isolation or separation from others, a FEELING of being all alone. We need to realize that loneliness is nothing more than a feeling. After all, you are not your arms or legs, for they are just parts of your body. Similarly, you are not your feelings, which are just parts of your psyche.
Talk to God about this feeling of loneliness. Allow his love to envelope your physical as well as your mental
Be still and know that he is God all by himself.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Experience God's Presence Tonight!
My soul yearns for You [O Lord] in the night,
yes,my spirit within me seeks You earnestly.
— Isaiah 26:9
Have you ever noticed that in the quiet darkness of night there seems to be something special about the presence of God?
He is always with you, even during the daytime, and you can talk to Him anytime, even when you’re busy. But during the day there are many distractions that keep you from focusing on His presence for an extended period of time. And by the end of the day you’ve often experienced problems and frustrations that can cause you to feel lonely and needy. It is then that you can finally give time and attention to the one who is the answer to your needs.
When you yearn for God in the night, seek Him earnestly, and you’ll find He will minister to you in a special way. He will provide answers to any problems you may have, and He will give you peace and rest.
Taken from Joyce Meyers Ministry
From the book Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Evening of the Year by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/EverydayAnswers/dailydevotionals/
yes,my spirit within me seeks You earnestly.
— Isaiah 26:9
Have you ever noticed that in the quiet darkness of night there seems to be something special about the presence of God?
He is always with you, even during the daytime, and you can talk to Him anytime, even when you’re busy. But during the day there are many distractions that keep you from focusing on His presence for an extended period of time. And by the end of the day you’ve often experienced problems and frustrations that can cause you to feel lonely and needy. It is then that you can finally give time and attention to the one who is the answer to your needs.
When you yearn for God in the night, seek Him earnestly, and you’ll find He will minister to you in a special way. He will provide answers to any problems you may have, and He will give you peace and rest.
Taken from Joyce Meyers Ministry
From the book Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Evening of the Year by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.http://www.joycemeyer.org/OurMinistries/EverydayAnswers/dailydevotionals/
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Mistakes...we all make them.
Many of us have made mistakes. I am learning that there is nothing wrong with making a mistake as long as you learn from it.
It is very easy to forgive others their mistakes; it takes more grit to forgive them for having witnessed your own. ~Jessamyn West
Mistakes are a part of life. Some mistakes are small, like making a right turn instead of a left, passing a street we should turn on, forgetting a time for an appointment. Some mistakes are a bit more detrimental; saying no when we really meant yes. Holding back our feelings or putting up a wall against those who need us most, making poor decisions and just doing wrong. All of them are a learning process. Some are more painful than others and we will have regret. Though I made a left and was suppose to go right I can make a U turn and be back where I started. Sometimes you have to go out of the way to get back in the direction you need to go.
Every time I use a GPS and don't follow the directions exactly it will say recalculating, then gives me further direction to get out of the jam I got in. Even worse sometimes it does not say anything for a while because it is thinking or internally recalculating and you’re waiting for that voice for direction. When you’re in a place that is unfamiliar it can be confusing, frustrating and downright scary. Have you ever been lost in New York City? YIKES!!
Never the less, with almost all mistakes you can correct them by rerouting or finding a different approach, however, we can't get the time back it took to make the mistake and the time it may take to correct it. Some correction is almost an immediate fix others may take some time; this is where the enemy can get really busy in your life. Through lack of self-control, patience and humility, conviction he can really make a mess of you taking the wrong turn.
In my walk with Christ, he has shown me that no matter the mistake I make he forgives me. I tend to take this same approach with people. To many times we take peoples mistakes and crucify them with it. Unfortunately, when we feel we have penalized them enough they are beyond repair or it takes longer than we want for the repair to take place.
Now with God it's different. Once we admit we made a mistake, he then has an expectation of us, just like we have an expectation of him when we are faithful. I learned that when I don't follow the directions of the GPS, if I am patient and LISTEN it recalculates then tells me what I need to do. In order to get back on track and be rerouted I must be obedient to the instruction. After the mistake when we repent or travel the road he expects, he has a way of taking us to a higher level than before, higher than we can imagine, because obedience is better than sacrifice. Being obedient in doing what we have learned to be right. He knows our hearts so he knows when we have truly repented from the mistake, but man does not know another man’s heart. Many times there’s a false representation of a man’s heart being displayed, but sooner or later it will come out.
But to God be the glory that he is an all knowing God; a God that sees all and hears all.
God I thank you for allowing me to make mistakes and I thank you even more for allowing me the opportunity to repent and correct them. I praise you for your patience with me, a patience that surpasses a man’s understanding. Show me your ways Lord so I may not stray.
It is very easy to forgive others their mistakes; it takes more grit to forgive them for having witnessed your own. ~Jessamyn West
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Share a heart!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Some people feel that it is not their business to help someone,but I ask; is it not our job to take care of our neighbor. If not ours, then who's is it. What I mean is suppose one day you where stranded somewhere with no cellular reception, no power to your vehicle and there is not a car or person in sight.
After 2hrs you see a light from afar coming up the road towards you.
Tell me wouldn't you have hopes that someone takes a moment to care.
As a fitness professional and gym patron I feel it is my duty to encourage someone striving on a treadmill or leaving aerobics class, because I have no idea what it took for them to get there nor do I know what they go home to. All in all, it is rewarding to the heart to see a smile of hope. I don't have to describe what this smile looks like because you know it when you see it and it is felt from both sides. It is inspiring to self when we are able to inspire someone else.
Allow God to use you and be the hope in someones life... after all, life is to short to not have hope and it is even shorter to not have that hope fulfilled.
Remember, be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Monday, August 30, 2010
God does not lose focus, we do!
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
~Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
I used to want to make a difference and make a change in this world and now I realize I must be the change I wish to see in the world.
We can get so caught up in the big picture that we lose focus of the small important details that make the big picture.
When I am growing in Christ there is a sense of assurance no man or women can provide no matter what I'm faced with. However, when I am drifting away or losing focus he has a tendency to strip away all the distractions and obstacles. Not sure if people understand that God is a jealous God and when Christians start to focus on man or things He will shake things up to get your attention that HE provides all our needs and gives us our desires (wants) of our hearts. It's sometimes painful because the truth comes out and the truth is how he can set us free.
At times, I want something to work so bad that I fight what he is showing me and telling me. The saying to thine own self be true. Well when you are a child of God, self is Christ. Because He lives in every child of God.
So today I will refocus on my heavenly Father as I have in the past. I'm ever so grateful that he does not lose focus of my life the way I have lost focus on him. That's the kind of God I serve and will serve him in spirit and in truth.
Thank you Father for reminding me that I am never alone and you are with me regardless.
~Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
I used to want to make a difference and make a change in this world and now I realize I must be the change I wish to see in the world.
We can get so caught up in the big picture that we lose focus of the small important details that make the big picture.
When I am growing in Christ there is a sense of assurance no man or women can provide no matter what I'm faced with. However, when I am drifting away or losing focus he has a tendency to strip away all the distractions and obstacles. Not sure if people understand that God is a jealous God and when Christians start to focus on man or things He will shake things up to get your attention that HE provides all our needs and gives us our desires (wants) of our hearts. It's sometimes painful because the truth comes out and the truth is how he can set us free.
At times, I want something to work so bad that I fight what he is showing me and telling me. The saying to thine own self be true. Well when you are a child of God, self is Christ. Because He lives in every child of God.
So today I will refocus on my heavenly Father as I have in the past. I'm ever so grateful that he does not lose focus of my life the way I have lost focus on him. That's the kind of God I serve and will serve him in spirit and in truth.
Thank you Father for reminding me that I am never alone and you are with me regardless.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Plan
Make me go in the path of Your commandments, for in them do I delight.
— Psalm 119:35
Go to sleep at night with a plan in mind for the next day. Don’t be vague about what you hope to accomplish. One morning I was lying in bed when the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Stop being ambiguous.” The dictionary defines ambiguous as “doubtful or uncertain,” and “capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways.”
Don’t be double-minded. Don’t just wait to see what happens. Wake up with a plan that puts God first in all you do. God’s Word is a lamp to your feet, and a light to your path (See Psalm 119:105). Talk to Him before you even get out of bed; ask Him to make clear what you need to achieve today.
Joyce Meyer Ministry
— Psalm 119:35
Go to sleep at night with a plan in mind for the next day. Don’t be vague about what you hope to accomplish. One morning I was lying in bed when the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Stop being ambiguous.” The dictionary defines ambiguous as “doubtful or uncertain,” and “capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways.”
Don’t be double-minded. Don’t just wait to see what happens. Wake up with a plan that puts God first in all you do. God’s Word is a lamp to your feet, and a light to your path (See Psalm 119:105). Talk to Him before you even get out of bed; ask Him to make clear what you need to achieve today.
Joyce Meyer Ministry
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fit chik 4 life,
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Truth
The truth hurts- it is hard to hear the truth.
Many times I have prayed and ask God for direction and he gives it BUT sometimes it's not what I wanted to hear.
Well sometimes this happens with people in our lives. The truth hurts. I am learning to look deep into my mirror as I do I ask GOD show me who you want me to be and he is. The problem I am having now is as I see myself and attempt to change I find others may not accept your change or agreement to change no support as you attempt to fix it. Sometimes we can say things and have the expectations of it reacting in one direction and it actually goes in another. A direction we where not prepared for it to go. I am now at a point in my life where I will not throw my views around I will listen closely for Gods guide and giving me the spirit of discernment. I am simply reflecting my life because this is not a rehearsal this is my life. For those who can relate I know this is where God uses me and uses my mistakes. For those who can't relate I ask that you carry on in love. God is saying clearly to me that I can't be perfect for everyone but I can be for him. Thank you Lord. Because pleasing man is very fatiguing. Pleasing myself has been a chore because I feel I am never good enough. But God is showing me something in all my flaws he is teaching me so much and in my convictions of these flaws I am choosing to change.
Its actually good to have flaws but when they hurt others,ourselves and hinder my growth in Christ well then I gotta check myself.
A friends told me the other day remember when you point one finger at someone there is usually 4 fingers pointing back at yourself. Well I am not pointing fingers anymore. Nope only when I am looking in the mirror.
A friends told me the other day remember when you point one finger at someone there is usually 4 fingers pointing back at yourself. Well I will only point when I am looking in a mirror ;).
Many times I have prayed and ask God for direction and he gives it BUT sometimes it's not what I wanted to hear.
Well sometimes this happens with people in our lives. The truth hurts. I am learning to look deep into my mirror as I do I ask GOD show me who you want me to be and he is. The problem I am having now is as I see myself and attempt to change I find others may not accept your change or agreement to change no support as you attempt to fix it. Sometimes we can say things and have the expectations of it reacting in one direction and it actually goes in another. A direction we where not prepared for it to go. I am now at a point in my life where I will not throw my views around I will listen closely for Gods guide and giving me the spirit of discernment. I am simply reflecting my life because this is not a rehearsal this is my life. For those who can relate I know this is where God uses me and uses my mistakes. For those who can't relate I ask that you carry on in love. God is saying clearly to me that I can't be perfect for everyone but I can be for him. Thank you Lord. Because pleasing man is very fatiguing. Pleasing myself has been a chore because I feel I am never good enough. But God is showing me something in all my flaws he is teaching me so much and in my convictions of these flaws I am choosing to change.
Its actually good to have flaws but when they hurt others,ourselves and hinder my growth in Christ well then I gotta check myself.
A friends told me the other day remember when you point one finger at someone there is usually 4 fingers pointing back at yourself. Well I am not pointing fingers anymore. Nope only when I am looking in the mirror.
Monday, June 21, 2010
The power of words
Stick and stones, may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
Remember that little rhyme from childhood?
It's wrong.More than that, it's a lie. Words are very powerful. Words can hurt or heal, build up or tear down, comfort or curse.
According to Mike Gordon, pastor at CenterPoint Church in Florida, very few of us are prone to slice and dice our partner with our words.
At the same time, most of us are guilty of making little cuts, or "nicking" those we love with our words.
Have you nicked your partner lately?
And no, I do not mean shaving. I mean nicking with your words. The little cuts and jabs, the sarcasm and put-downs we sometimes carelessly throw out there.
It took me just about the entire first year of marriage to figure out that what some of my friends found hilarious, my wife did not find at all amusing at best, and cut and hurt her at worst.
Other folks excuse "nicking" as just being brutally honest. In my experience, most of the folks who brag about being brutally honest enjoy the brutality more than the honesty.
"The genius of communication is the ability to be both totally honest and totally kind at the same time."
The power of the tongue
Our tongue, and the words that come from it, has incredible power. Words have the power to hurt or to heal, to tear down or build up, and to curse or comfort.
How have you been using your words with the one you say you love? If you realize you have been doing some nicking up until now, here are two things you can do:
1) Make a commitment to use your words to comfort not curse, heal not hurt, build up not tear down
2) Go to your love and apologize for nicking in the past and let the one you love know you intend to change this bad habit. The words could be something like:
"I realize I have nicked you and hurt you with my words, and I apologize and hope you can forgive me. I'm also making a commitment to you to control my tongue in the future."
A word of warning as you apologize. I know of one gentlemen who apologized by saying "I need to tell you I am sorry for nicking you." Well, somehow what she heard was "I want to apologize for Nicky."
You can imagine how the conversation took an unexpected detour from there.
The above example, and the one below, demonstrate just how very much the words we choose to use matter to those we love.
Different words, different result
A country boy fell head over heels for a little girl who lived down the lane. The problem was, every time he got around her, his knees shook and he stammered when he tried to speak. He just had no clue about how to talk to this girl.So one day he went to town and followed a city boy who was known for being good with the ladies, trying to pick up some tips. The country boy listened as the city boy looked deep into the eyes of his girlfriend and said "Your beauty could make time stand still."
"That's it!" he said, and rushed back to the country and found his girl. Taking her by the hand under the apple tree, he looked deep into her eyes and said, "Your face could stop a clock."
Same content. Different words. Very different result.
Remember, you have a choice, hurt or heal, tear down or build up, curse or comfort.
Which words would you like to use, and which words would you like to be used with you?
This has taught me to look at myself and I pray it helps you in some way too.
Taken from Jeff Herring is a Relationship Coach, Speaker, and Syndicated Relationship Columnist.
fit chick 4 life,
mj fox,
Monday, May 10, 2010
Light Shines Through Cracked Pots! (from Joyce Meyers)
Let not those who wait and hope and look for You, O Lord of hosts, be put to shame through me; let not those who seek and inquire for and require You [as their vital necessity] be brought to confusion and dishonor through me, O God of Israel.
— Psalm 69:6
I just had to share this one-
Everyone is like a pot that carries life. But not everyone carries a presence that blesses others. Religion tries to force people to follow laws to make them perfect, like pots without cracks. But if a light is put within a flawless pot and then covered, no one is able to see the light inside the pot. Perfect pots are not able to reveal internal light to illumine the way for others.
God chooses to shine through imperfect, cracked pots. People are blessed when our cracked pots let the light of Jesus shine through. Choose to be a glory-filled, cracked pot rather than an empty, pretty vessel.
Now that was food for the soul-Bon appet'ite
Remember BFIT Nutrition/Powerblendz is now open. Come visit us and get complete nutrition in a cup-try one of our protein shakes. Located in the brand new hottest club in Charlotte- Club Fitness 11108 S.Tryon St. Charlotte, NC. 28273
Come get your Shake on
— Psalm 69:6
I just had to share this one-
Everyone is like a pot that carries life. But not everyone carries a presence that blesses others. Religion tries to force people to follow laws to make them perfect, like pots without cracks. But if a light is put within a flawless pot and then covered, no one is able to see the light inside the pot. Perfect pots are not able to reveal internal light to illumine the way for others.
God chooses to shine through imperfect, cracked pots. People are blessed when our cracked pots let the light of Jesus shine through. Choose to be a glory-filled, cracked pot rather than an empty, pretty vessel.
Now that was food for the soul-Bon appet'ite
Remember BFIT Nutrition/Powerblendz is now open. Come visit us and get complete nutrition in a cup-try one of our protein shakes. Located in the brand new hottest club in Charlotte- Club Fitness 11108 S.Tryon St. Charlotte, NC. 28273
Come get your Shake on
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Big moves
My friends, I have relocated to Charlotte NC. It has been a big change in a good way. Meeting many new people, good people. I'm having withdrawals from some of my old clients. I do miss my circle. But I am creating a new one. They are a part of my world.
I'm in business with a long time friend and I believe this is the beginning of something really grand. As a child of God I don't believe in coincidence. So this move I truly believe, is part of a big plan he has for me and my life. Our company BFIT Nutrition will have a grand opening on Monday May 10 4pm-8pm at Club Fitness 11108 S. Tryon Charlotte, NC 28273
Would love to meet you all. We will the official Grand Opening with the club on June 5,6 if your able to come we will have free samples and answer many questions on all your fitness and nutritional needs.
It has been a challenging road but I refuse to pull over. God has my back and that's all I need.
Do what you have to do
So you can do what you want to do-Denzel W.
Have a fantabulous weekend and thank you for your support.
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry
I'm in business with a long time friend and I believe this is the beginning of something really grand. As a child of God I don't believe in coincidence. So this move I truly believe, is part of a big plan he has for me and my life. Our company BFIT Nutrition will have a grand opening on Monday May 10 4pm-8pm at Club Fitness 11108 S. Tryon Charlotte, NC 28273
Would love to meet you all. We will the official Grand Opening with the club on June 5,6 if your able to come we will have free samples and answer many questions on all your fitness and nutritional needs.
It has been a challenging road but I refuse to pull over. God has my back and that's all I need.
Do what you have to do
So you can do what you want to do-Denzel W.
Have a fantabulous weekend and thank you for your support.
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Flaws in Life.....
Sometimes life can throw you a serious learning curve. When you learn things about yourself that must be addressed it can feel a little overwhelming. I realize somethings in me that are good and not so good, however, God is showing me that he loves what He sees because it is an opportunity to use me. WOW! I mean me he wants to use me. I feel honored. When a situation arises and I have to address it I take a look at me. Well, unfortunately I look at me a little to hard, meaning I don't give myself any slack. Yet I allow my clients and others to have flaws but I don't accept mine.
God has used a special person in my life to help me realize I, MJ must learn to love me flaws and all. No one is perfect... that's why pencils have erasers. Right? What I don't like I am giving myself time to change it. In all of this learning, I am falling in love with self. I thought it was selfish at first but then I realize it is not at all. It is a necessary fertilizer for my growth as a child of God.There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
Today I say to you if you are not accepting your flaws you wont be content when others truly accept you flaws and all. I find this to be apart of unconditional love.
God has used a special person in my life to help me realize I, MJ must learn to love me flaws and all. No one is perfect... that's why pencils have erasers. Right? What I don't like I am giving myself time to change it. In all of this learning, I am falling in love with self. I thought it was selfish at first but then I realize it is not at all. It is a necessary fertilizer for my growth as a child of God.There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
Today I say to you if you are not accepting your flaws you wont be content when others truly accept you flaws and all. I find this to be apart of unconditional love.
Unless I accept my faults I will most certainly doubt my virtues
Friday, April 2, 2010
What Good (Holy) Friday and Easter means to MJ
I was asked what Easter means to me and it was an opportunity to tell someone what he did for us.
Many of you know I am a Christian. I don't shout it at the top of my lungs or lay hands on everyone I see, but I try to never block the light that is in me. The light of the Lord. Easter is a very important time of year to many and to Christians it is a renewal. Just as Spring is to many. Life has been a bit rough for me and so much has been happening lately. Lots of good and I wont call the rest bad I will say it has been learning curves. Today, Good Friday is a reminder to me that God loves me regardless. God thought enough of us that he sacrificed his ONLY son just for you and me. Jesus was crucified and it hurts my heart, but I feel so loved today. To know that he loved me enough to die for me, for my sins.
2010 has been full of endings and new beginnings in my life and the crucifixion of Jesus seemed like the end however, the resurrection proves the beginning. The beginning of a new life. Eternity.
I feel forever loved due to his sacrifice. I am so thankful that His love is unconditional.
Many heartfilled blessings to you all to today, tomorrow and everyday.
MJ-Your FitChik4Life
Many of you know I am a Christian. I don't shout it at the top of my lungs or lay hands on everyone I see, but I try to never block the light that is in me. The light of the Lord. Easter is a very important time of year to many and to Christians it is a renewal. Just as Spring is to many. Life has been a bit rough for me and so much has been happening lately. Lots of good and I wont call the rest bad I will say it has been learning curves. Today, Good Friday is a reminder to me that God loves me regardless. God thought enough of us that he sacrificed his ONLY son just for you and me. Jesus was crucified and it hurts my heart, but I feel so loved today. To know that he loved me enough to die for me, for my sins.
2010 has been full of endings and new beginnings in my life and the crucifixion of Jesus seemed like the end however, the resurrection proves the beginning. The beginning of a new life. Eternity.
I feel forever loved due to his sacrifice. I am so thankful that His love is unconditional.
The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.
Today is Good (Holy) Friday-I am grateful, for my Father thought enough to die for my (our) sins. When I feel down, I ask, Jesus you love me this much, that you died for me. Don't know if you know someone that would do that, but today I remind you that there is someone that did. Just for you and me Now that’s love.
Many heartfilled blessings to you all to today, tomorrow and everyday.
MJ-Your FitChik4Life
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Pressing on!
Those that didn't meet there goal, no worries for today is a new day-press on FitChik, remember we are in this for life.
Join us for Talking Fit-Live discussion Pt.3-Help, I can't seem to lose anymore weight- Mon.9pmEST http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=14144 &uid=113043952329
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The FitChik4Life Challenge
OK Game on!! My boot camp class is being challenged to diet down with me for my first competition of 2010, which is in 16weeks. They are stoked. I am already so proud of them. It's a very challenging task however, it is rewarding to all of us. Already have results with a camper losing 3lbs in first week. Keep it up ladies and gents. You are paying yourself back, by adding years to your life
Talk soon-Remember to join us on FitChik4Life fan page Live discussion every Monday at 9pm.
Talk soon-Remember to join us on FitChik4Life fan page Live discussion every Monday at 9pm.
Soon to come
Talking Fit w/ FitChik4Life on blog talk radio.
Our Online store will be published soon. You will now have access to our FitChik4Life shirts, and more.
Yes God is good- Stay focused, eat well and often love the body you're building
Monday, March 15, 2010
We are Talking Fit!
Live tonight 9pmEST-Topic up for discussion. " I can't seem to lose anymore weight" Oh yeah, the famous I hit this plateau and can't move. Join us on the FitChik4Life fan page under discussions FitChik4Life live Discussion tonight 9pm
Live tonight 9pmEST-Topic up for discussion. " I can't seem to lose anymore weight" Oh yeah, the famous I hit this plateau and can't move. Join us on the FitChik4Life fan page under discussions FitChik4Life live Discussion tonight 9pm
Friday, March 12, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Weekend Renewal
Just returned from the Arnold Classic Expo and what a fulfilling weekend. I want thank all of my online supporters who shared with me this weekend. It was a pleasure meeting you all. We never realize that our actions are being watched until someone points them out. I'm thankful for the emails after this weekend, sharing how you all view me. I truly believe that you can be attractive n pretty on the outside however, beauty can only be from the inside. You have enriched my soul this weekend to re confirm that what I am doing means something to someone. That God is seen in all I do.
A young lady shared with me on Saturday that she was a little nervous about meeting me because so many in our sport are pretty but not very social able or they feel intimidated. Then after she met me she felt like she was renewed. I said we are not all like that many are beautiful inside and out. I thanked her for allowing me to, but it's just the God in me and the she in returned renewed me. It is a blessing to encourage because it encourages me.
To you all I say thank you. Have a magnificent Monday
Don't forget we are Talking Fit every Monday 9pm est. Live discussion on the FitChik4Life fan page on Face book click the link on the top left of this page.
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry
A young lady shared with me on Saturday that she was a little nervous about meeting me because so many in our sport are pretty but not very social able or they feel intimidated. Then after she met me she felt like she was renewed. I said we are not all like that many are beautiful inside and out. I thanked her for allowing me to, but it's just the God in me and the she in returned renewed me. It is a blessing to encourage because it encourages me.
Don't forget we are Talking Fit every Monday 9pm est. Live discussion on the FitChik4Life fan page on Face book click the link on the top left of this page.
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry
Saturday, February 27, 2010
It's good for the soul
I was talking to a friend the other day, I said how ya been? She replied with a sigh, girl, I'm making it. I said making what? She said Huh? I said yep me too. I am making today the best day of the rest of my life. She smiled and said MJ you are something else. I said well I can't make it if I don't know what I am making. I mean that would just be a mess, I think. She said true that. I replied, SO what ya making? She smiled and said I am making today the best day of my life MJ. We both laughed. She said, I thought you where about to get really deep on me. I said nope. She replied ok, ok I needed that laugh.
Don't think to hard on this one my friends. The point I am making with this lil story is laughter. It is a wonderful, priceless antidote for many things that can sometimes get us down. Today and everyday choose to smile at someone or something. Go the opposite direction of what would normally ruin your day. Today say, I will no longer have bad days, I am now saying well there could have been worse day and smile anyway.
Choose to look at the lesson in all things good and bad. When it seems you can't find the lesson, then don't stress it just laugh. It will warm your heart and elevate your mental state. Go ahead, just laugh.

Choose to look at the lesson in all things good and bad. When it seems you can't find the lesson, then don't stress it just laugh. It will warm your heart and elevate your mental state. Go ahead, just laugh.
What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Making history!
I had no idea that history was being made. I was just tired of giving up. ~Rosa Parks Don't give up FitChiks4Life. We got goals to get. Let's get it!!
You never know what you are capable of until you are tired. You never know how strong you are until you are physically weak. One can go a long way when they are tired. The human being is the most amazing thing God has created. Emotions, compassion, evil, love all these things that we display. I am so thankful for what he is showing me at this moment. Today, I say to you, embrace all that is coming your way. Hold your ground on what you believe to be true. Never, let anyone take from you or convince you from what you believe."Now faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)Lift your head through the sandstorms, close your eyes but continue to walk
Today make history in your life. Whether displayed to the world or just between you and God, make the change to RISE RISE RISE.
Today I am being still and knowing that God is in control.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Learning to say no!
Hoping all of you had a wonderful weekend. I have been going through a learning phase and thought I would share it with you, as I know many can relate. I am learning to say no. I have found that I'm always so willing to help and many times I sacrifice my sanity to do so. I am not alone on this. Many of us do this and we tend to find we are not getting the satisfaction or joy from the action of doing.
Is this a bad thing? Well, yes in some cases. I truly believe, that there should be an automatic sense of joy when you do for others, not a sigh of relief. Even when there is no thank you in return or appreciation you should feel good with just the fact that you gave of yourself to something or someone. I'm learning that when I put me on the back burner to long, I tend to not get joy in doing for others. Now, some are reading this and maybe saying oh no! that's wrong as a Christian you should always have joy doing for others. The bible does state we should not grow weary in well doing. However, it also states that we must take time for Him. I feel if Christ is in my heart then is that not a part of my temple which is my body? So if I am taking care of my temple (body and mind) then it is not just for me it is for him also. When I speak on doing for me, I am referring to things like not taking my devotional time away from Christ. Being sure of getting my workouts in which is part of my therapy to handle this thing called life. Taking a short vacation away from the chaos. I think taking care of the outside is important and taking care of the inside is even more so. At the young age of 39 (smile) God is showing me some powerful things. I would not be able to see them if I don't slow down sometimes. I am so grateful for those he is placing in my path both good and bad because it is really making me stronger and better than I've been.
So I say ALL this to say, MJ is officially doing her and in return I know I will be able to do so much more for others. Yes God is so good, all the time.
Blessings to you all this week. BTW Update on my training- I am now 18weeks out from shine time on stage. My back has been tight but nothing major and I am steadily able to increase weight and or intensity in my workouts. My diet is starting to be more consistent. Ya know I am always gonna keep it real for you all. Updated progress pics soon to come. I say in advance, thanks so much for your support.
Remember Live discussion on the FitChik4Life fan page every Mon 9pm est. TALKING FIT! You got questions, we got answers. Join Us!

So I say ALL this to say, MJ is officially doing her and in return I know I will be able to do so much more for others. Yes God is so good, all the time.
A well cared for tree bares good fruit. However, a diseased and malnourished tree may not bare any fruit at all and the if it does how healthy is it, considering it's source.
Blessings to you all this week. BTW Update on my training- I am now 18weeks out from shine time on stage. My back has been tight but nothing major and I am steadily able to increase weight and or intensity in my workouts. My diet is starting to be more consistent. Ya know I am always gonna keep it real for you all. Updated progress pics soon to come. I say in advance, thanks so much for your support.
Remember Live discussion on the FitChik4Life fan page every Mon 9pm est. TALKING FIT! You got questions, we got answers. Join Us!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
We are up and running
Our Fan page on Facebook is up and running again. Thanks for your support.
To all FitChik4Life, remember train hard, eat well and often, love the body you're building.
To all FitChik4Life, remember train hard, eat well and often, love the body you're building.
Monday, February 15, 2010
FitChik4Life Fan Page problems
So sorry, but we are having some problems on Facebook with our fan page. Our live discussion was crashed.
I hope it is temporary. We will see. please be patient.
I hope it is temporary. We will see. please be patient.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy love day to you all. MUAH!
Love Love Love! What does it mean to you?
It is something different to each one of us. But it is not rude. It trust and it comforts. It is giving and not expecting anything in return. It is unconditional. Unfortunately, some have been taught about love in the wrong way so we have grown up with the wrong definition. Love is something that is indescribable, but I have found in my spiritual journey, that it is best described as what Christ shows us daily- compassion(mercy), forgiving(sins), reassuring (faith), comfort (grace) and joy.
It is our choice to repeat this same love back to others, even when they hurt us. Yes it means love your enemies. You can kill hate with love. It is hard sometimes, but I always say wow God you still love me, WELL, I have no other choice but to love and love unconditionally. I feel there is no other way. Love does not come with conditions, either you love or you don't. That's it. It's not complicated and its not rocket science.
This is a song I enjoy so much and can here it over and over 100x and it still refreshes me, I hope it can do the same for you. The words say it all.
What is love? It's Jesus. What is love? it is Jesus Christ in you an me.
Love is you-Chrisette Michele
What's your definition of it?
How's it make you feel?
Tell me what you say that truly makes it real
Kings and Queens, Philosophers have tried so hard to find
Tell me what it means to you dear, never mind
Love is kind when the world is cold
Love stays strong when the fight gets old
Love's a shoulder to lean on
Love is you
Love's like the water when the well runs dry
Quench my thirst, keep me alive
Just need one sip baby
Love is you
Love is you, love is you,
Love is you, love is you
Is it possible, there is a kiss that's so divine
Or am I just a fool, is it all in my mind?
Is there something chemical
A scientist might say
Well love must be a drug
To make me feel this way
Cause love's my permission to be who I am
No inhibitions cause you understand
Freedom to breathe oh baby
Love is you
Love's like a kiss when the sun goes down
Holds me tight when no one's around
Love's what I want to hold on to
Love is you
Love is you, Love is you, Love is you,
Love is you, Love is you,
Love is you, Love is you,
Love is kind, it makes me stronger
I don't have to look no longer
You're the one I cling to
Love is you
When the chips are down
Love will stick around
I'm so glad I found
Love is you
As much as I've tried to clarify
Love's quite simple, he's just my guy
Perfect definition
Love is you
Love is you, love is you
Love is you... is you...
It is something different to each one of us. But it is not rude. It trust and it comforts. It is giving and not expecting anything in return. It is unconditional. Unfortunately, some have been taught about love in the wrong way so we have grown up with the wrong definition. Love is something that is indescribable, but I have found in my spiritual journey, that it is best described as what Christ shows us daily- compassion(mercy), forgiving(sins), reassuring (faith), comfort (grace) and joy.
It is our choice to repeat this same love back to others, even when they hurt us. Yes it means love your enemies. You can kill hate with love. It is hard sometimes, but I always say wow God you still love me, WELL, I have no other choice but to love and love unconditionally. I feel there is no other way. Love does not come with conditions, either you love or you don't. That's it. It's not complicated and its not rocket science.
This is a song I enjoy so much and can here it over and over 100x and it still refreshes me, I hope it can do the same for you. The words say it all.
What is love? It's Jesus. What is love? it is Jesus Christ in you an me.
Love is you-Chrisette Michele
What's your definition of it?
How's it make you feel?
Tell me what you say that truly makes it real
Kings and Queens, Philosophers have tried so hard to find
Tell me what it means to you dear, never mind
Love is kind when the world is cold
Love stays strong when the fight gets old
Love's a shoulder to lean on
Love is you
Love's like the water when the well runs dry
Quench my thirst, keep me alive
Just need one sip baby
Love is you
Love is you, love is you,
Love is you, love is you
Is it possible, there is a kiss that's so divine
Or am I just a fool, is it all in my mind?
Is there something chemical
A scientist might say
Well love must be a drug
To make me feel this way
Cause love's my permission to be who I am
No inhibitions cause you understand
Freedom to breathe oh baby
Love is you
Love's like a kiss when the sun goes down
Holds me tight when no one's around
Love's what I want to hold on to
Love is you
Love is you, Love is you, Love is you,
Love is you, Love is you,
Love is you, Love is you,
Love is kind, it makes me stronger
I don't have to look no longer
You're the one I cling to
Love is you
When the chips are down
Love will stick around
I'm so glad I found
Love is you
As much as I've tried to clarify
Love's quite simple, he's just my guy
Perfect definition
Love is you
Love is you, love is you
Love is you... is you...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Checking in, with an update!
Hello to you all. I hope you had a succesful week. I am checking in. This weeks workouts where ok and I got my cardio in but I did miss one. Sorry. I did legs yesterday and I was able to do 360lbs for the first time since last July. I was stoked. YEAH!!!
As promised here are a set of progress pics.
21wks to go. Grrrrrrr
Remember fall seven times, get up eight!
As promised here are a set of progress pics.
21wks to go. Grrrrrrr
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hump day!
It's the middle of the week and I pray you all have practiced some self-control with the cravings. We gotta get results so we gotta press on with discipline. I am encouraging my Boot Camp class and many of them are up to the challenge to train and diet down with me the next 22weeks. I have faith that they will succeed.
I wish you all a very successful day and will be giving you a new progress pic Sat. morning.
You can also follow my progress at Follow MJ
Here is an appetite suppresant that has been getting people some good results
Lean out and help me with cravings!
I wish you all a very successful day and will be giving you a new progress pic Sat. morning.
You can also follow my progress at Follow MJ
Here is an appetite suppresant that has been getting people some good results
Lean out and help me with cravings!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
22wks. Here we go!!!
OK we have 22wks till shine time and I did promise to post progress pics. So here we go this is me right now!!! UGH! Surely not ready for the stage. My calorie intake is 1850-2300cals. I am trying to gain size but my goal right now is to get a bit tighter, more conditioning over the next 4wks. This does not mean I am trying to lean out entirely. My calories must stay high if I am gonna gain anything. However, I am trying to stay fairly clean. My biggest thing is gaining size and more shape in my legs inner and outer quad. I will be doing lots of power-lifting moves to gain the overall thicker look.
I must admit the one thing I have falling short with the last few months are my supplements. I don't take anything extreme or illegal, and at almost 40yrs. old I need to use my supplements and food the best I can to grow and get the look I need to shine on stage. This takes DISCIPLINE. So I've gotten my mind focused on being more consistent with my supps. Some of my supplements include a Multi-Vitamin, BCAA, EFA's, B-complex, Antioxidant formula, L-Arginine (Amino Acids), Protein, Glutamine this is just an example of what I take daily. Due to my diet being so limited, although I eat a lot, I can't get certain nutrients and minerals from the food because there is not much variety.
It took a big slice of humble pie to post these, but it is my way of sharing with you that I am no different than you and this is a way to make myself accountable to you my viewers.
22wks out I will be posting more pics in 4wks. You can follow me more here Support MJ Fox onlineIf you would like to diet down with me and workout using my program email me at FitChik4Life@gmail.com. You will get all my daily regime that I do. Plus personal guidance on finding what works for you. Remember the road will not be easy if it was then everyone would be at their fitness goals with that said meditate on this:
If you are reading my blog and are interested in sponsoring me please email FitChik4Life@gmail.com any help with my competitions would be appreciated.
I must admit the one thing I have falling short with the last few months are my supplements. I don't take anything extreme or illegal, and at almost 40yrs. old I need to use my supplements and food the best I can to grow and get the look I need to shine on stage. This takes DISCIPLINE. So I've gotten my mind focused on being more consistent with my supps. Some of my supplements include a Multi-Vitamin, BCAA, EFA's, B-complex, Antioxidant formula, L-Arginine (Amino Acids), Protein, Glutamine this is just an example of what I take daily. Due to my diet being so limited, although I eat a lot, I can't get certain nutrients and minerals from the food because there is not much variety.
It took a big slice of humble pie to post these, but it is my way of sharing with you that I am no different than you and this is a way to make myself accountable to you my viewers.
22wks out I will be posting more pics in 4wks. You can follow me more here Support MJ Fox onlineIf you would like to diet down with me and workout using my program email me at FitChik4Life@gmail.com. You will get all my daily regime that I do. Plus personal guidance on finding what works for you. Remember the road will not be easy if it was then everyone would be at their fitness goals with that said meditate on this:
Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles he had to overcome while trying to succeed-Train hard, eat well and often, love the body you're building-MJ FitChik4LifeTM
If you are reading my blog and are interested in sponsoring me please email FitChik4Life@gmail.com any help with my competitions would be appreciated.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Craving what?
It's been a long day. I hope you all have been on your A game this week. Remember we have a goal. Please remind yourselves of how good you feel when you workout. How much better you sleep. New goal this week. CRAVINGs. Grrrrr. What is happening with your diets? Talk to me. What are you craving?
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry
Friday, January 29, 2010
You put fourth the effort...
OK, so I am 24 weeks out till shine time and right now I am about to hit some cardio. It has been a long week. I had some gains in this leg workout, praise God. Many of you know about my back injury and I have not been able to leg press, lunge or do free weight squats (using Olympic bar) for about 3-4month now. Well, Wednesday I did. I had 95lbs on the bar I went slow and me and God where connected at every single rep. It was awesome. I did 8 sets and I was beaming all the way. That's not a lot of weight for me, but it was a step in the direction I thought I would not be able to go. I am so grateful. Legs have been the area that I have had the most challenge with in the sport of bodybuilding.
So I will take my time working legs, in doing this I have been able to make the mind to muscle connection I need to, instead of just focusing on the heavy weights I used to push. God has his reason for everything. Now, last night my back was extremely painful. I stretched, soaked, prayed. This morning it's tight BUT God. OH yes, it's feeling much better. This goes with the saying my clients and friends here me say:
Remember to join us every Monday night at 9pm EST for TALKING FIT! Live discussion. You got questions, we got answers. Certified trainers and Professional athletes will chat with you live. Join us at http://www.facebook.com/fitchik4life?ref=profile#/pages/Fit-Chik-4-Life/113043952329?ref=ts Monday at 9pm
Have a blessed and fantabulous weekend my friends
MJ, FitChik4Life
So I will take my time working legs, in doing this I have been able to make the mind to muscle connection I need to, instead of just focusing on the heavy weights I used to push. God has his reason for everything. Now, last night my back was extremely painful. I stretched, soaked, prayed. This morning it's tight BUT God. OH yes, it's feeling much better. This goes with the saying my clients and friends here me say:
You put fourth the effort, God WILL do the rest.I am a living testimony of this. Just remember each one of us effort, measures differently, depending on our capabilities. God knows what we are capable of, he just wants us to know what HE is capable of.

Have a blessed and fantabulous weekend my friends
MJ, FitChik4Life
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Bleachers and a prayer!

The stars are constantly shining, but often we do not see them until the darkest hours.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
DIY project gone bad...

Wow guys! I am locked out my house. On the second floor. And just to set the record straight to all you carb depleted folks. I was not low on carbs lol. So I stand there looking into my place and wondering how am I gonna get out. After feeling a little stressed I looked up and said Lord talk to me. Why I became so come was nothing but God. So I just started spray painting as if I wasn't even locked out. My patio is completely screened in by the way. So I'm finished and it looks great. Now, Ok MJ ask God what he would do. Yes I do talk to him and myself often. (Smile). So bang on the floor to see if my neighbor can here me and I get nothing. OH LORD what do I do. I am thinking I can rip the screen and climb down I'm only on the 2nd floor and for some reason I'm hearing the theme music from mission impossible. So I climb down onto this old broken fence, from there I was able to jump on top of the trash can and then onto the ground. Yes the mission impossible music was loud and clear. I do believe this is what Jesus would do but his theme music would have been a little different maybe. (Smile) Wow what an interesting experience this was. Why this never happens on HGTV. Lol. Be blessed my friends.
Sometimes you just gotta laugh-
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Ooohhhh Legs!
OK I'm about to hit it. Today is the first time in about 2mo. that I will do smith machine squats. I've been diagnosed with Arthritis in my lower back and a degenerative disc at the L5 area.UGH! This is from my injury right before the Jacksonville Pro show in July 08. Soooo to bring you up to speed I've been working my legs in a creative way, since traditional exercises are limited for me. I can't put weight on my shoulders. How many of you know you can't keep a Fit Chik 4 Life down. Empowered to rise I promised to be the best I've been. So legs are getting hit hard today. In a smart way ;) Blessing to you all and I hope you had a successful week with your goals. I did get my cardio in all week. YEAH! Holla back and thanks for the comments. Keep sharing
Remember, train hard, eat well and often,love the body you're building-MJ FitChik4Life
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry
Remember, train hard, eat well and often,love the body you're building-MJ FitChik4Life
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO FIT Representative Sent via my BlackBerry
Thursday, January 7, 2010
To Daddy, with love
Today I remember you as I do everyday. The way you talked. The things you did, yes Daddy I do remember you. Today I am a better person because of the things you showed me, because of the things you gave me, because of the way you where, yes Daddy I remember you. Daddy, you made mistakes and because of them I am a better women, yes Daddy I really do remember them. You and Mommy taught me how to fish and I now eat forever. Yes Daddy I will remember you. You made me believe I can do anything in your very own way, you made me believe, I can do the impossible, yes Daddy I remember you. You told me to never settle unless it was ok on my mind. I now know what you meant. You told me you wanted me be better do better and live better than you, oh Dad I remember you. Daddy I know you had time in your later years to accept Christ and I'm ever so grateful that one day I'm gonna see you again and I can't wait to hug you because, you'll remember me. Daddy R.I.P
My friends please don't let this day end without telling someone you love them.
My heart goes out to the Velandra Family may God give you peace and Heavens rejoice as another Saint is now home. In Jesus name
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO representative Sent via my BlackBerry
My friends please don't let this day end without telling someone you love them.
My heart goes out to the Velandra Family may God give you peace and Heavens rejoice as another Saint is now home. In Jesus name
MJ Fox, IFBB Professional Athlete FitChik4Lifetm/Certified Personal Trainer Powerblendz/NUCO representative Sent via my BlackBerry
Monday, January 4, 2010
No worries, I'm OK! Let's set a goal
OK. After the last post I think you all are a bit concerned about me. Thanks, but let me clarify I am depressed sometimes. NOT always. So what I am saying is I am focusing on the solution not the problem. After all I already know what the problem is, right?
So let's move toward achieving our goals. Stepping on the giants. My first giant is I get a lil weary in well doing. The bible says let us not grow weary in well doing. I am trying to remove what gets me weary. I find it is the long term grind of it all. See when I am dieting down, trying to stay focus on the goal of building these legs and presenting a better package, ya know, life happens.

When life happens it can really derail you. You'll find that stress is a culprit the enemy uses to cause us to fall short. Making us tired and weary, is his goal to wear you down. My friends I say this., WE MUST stand our ground when life is happening. NO MORE of the old way of everything take precedence over our fitness. NO! I am learning to commit to MJ this time and I want you to commit to you too.
Friends, it's not selfish but it may take a little more planning when you have another commitment that is the result of life happening.
Here is an example. Last week, we lost a loved one. So there was a funeral to plan. I offered to do the program and obituary for the funeral. This means the layout, editing, printing and such. As a family we needed to save and doing it ourselves was the best way to do it. It was a very hard task not just on managing my time with all my other projects but it was an emotional challenge too. See my Dad past away in 2005 this very same time of the year, January 7th to be exact. My normal days are long and get hectic as the day goes by. So instead of putting my workout off till the evening, each morning I had to get up earlier to ride my bike to stay on track and it helped me manage the stress of my emotions better.
One of the main things it did was helped me have a sense of accomplishment before the day got started. Because though life was happening, I was doing what I had planned to do in spite of.
My friends don't let the normal occurances of life stop you from your goals. We sometimes give the enemy to much credit. Come on enough is enough.
So set a cardio goal for the next 4weeks. Allow nothing to stand in your way of this. If mornings are less stressful then do it then. MAKE TIME FOR YOU!
My goal: is to do cardio every morning M-F this means I cant sleep in and Tue and Thur have a 6am client so I will have to do it when I am done with her at the gym.
So let's move toward achieving our goals. Stepping on the giants. My first giant is I get a lil weary in well doing. The bible says let us not grow weary in well doing. I am trying to remove what gets me weary. I find it is the long term grind of it all. See when I am dieting down, trying to stay focus on the goal of building these legs and presenting a better package, ya know, life happens.

When life happens it can really derail you. You'll find that stress is a culprit the enemy uses to cause us to fall short. Making us tired and weary, is his goal to wear you down. My friends I say this., WE MUST stand our ground when life is happening. NO MORE of the old way of everything take precedence over our fitness. NO! I am learning to commit to MJ this time and I want you to commit to you too.
Friends, it's not selfish but it may take a little more planning when you have another commitment that is the result of life happening.
Here is an example. Last week, we lost a loved one. So there was a funeral to plan. I offered to do the program and obituary for the funeral. This means the layout, editing, printing and such. As a family we needed to save and doing it ourselves was the best way to do it. It was a very hard task not just on managing my time with all my other projects but it was an emotional challenge too. See my Dad past away in 2005 this very same time of the year, January 7th to be exact. My normal days are long and get hectic as the day goes by. So instead of putting my workout off till the evening, each morning I had to get up earlier to ride my bike to stay on track and it helped me manage the stress of my emotions better.
One of the main things it did was helped me have a sense of accomplishment before the day got started. Because though life was happening, I was doing what I had planned to do in spite of.
My friends don't let the normal occurances of life stop you from your goals. We sometimes give the enemy to much credit. Come on enough is enough.
This weeks goal accomplishment
#1: Don't get weary in well doing.
For each day is a new opportunity to get closer to accomplishing your dreams.
So set a cardio goal for the next 4weeks. Allow nothing to stand in your way of this. If mornings are less stressful then do it then. MAKE TIME FOR YOU!
My goal: is to do cardio every morning M-F this means I cant sleep in and Tue and Thur have a 6am client so I will have to do it when I am done with her at the gym.
May God bless you this week. Stay focused-MJ FitChik4Life
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010-Better than I've been!
Happy New Year to you all. Today is new day. New beginnings and I must say 2009 was a very interesting year. Many learning curves for me. Teaching me more and more about myself. The good the bad and the ugly.(smile)
I am learning to put me (MJ) first and not feel guilty about it. I have embraced some injuries that have helped me better understand what some of my clients are going through. In addition, I am going through something that many people are going through; depression. Yes, I am admitting it and some of you need to. We all go through it and some of us stay in it longer than the other. It really hit me last year. Many ups and downs but don't get it twisted. God was there the entire time.
Now this blog today is not for those who got it together. Ya know those that everyday is a great day. Nah this ones not for you. This is for my brothers and sisters who have gone through and are still. This is for those that want to be better than they have been. This is for those who have some giants that need to be stepped on and kicked out. If that's you, then read on.
I always ask God to use me and he has sent many in my life to help me and for me to help. He also allowed me to see those that where there to harm me too. Had I not experienced the trials I had in life I would not be able to really help others. I mean lets face it. It is hard to ask a dog about being a cat, right? Well if either the cat or dog answer you, you have more going on than depression. (smile). No worries a psychiatrist can help with both issues. lol
What I am saying is depression is a natural thing and you can learn from it. I have and still am learning that depression, many times, is a way to show you your faults or weakness within your emotions. I mean much of my depression comes from the fact that I fear failing. I am a perfectionist. I except others faults but not my own.
Well, God keeps reminding me that inspite of I am still in his book and my friends that's a wonderful unconditional love I just can't live without.
Though last year was rough and seemed like a set back or let down, my faith tells me that this is the beginning of my set up.
A set up for blessings and forward movement in my life. I have not let go of my faith therefore ,I will not grow weary in well doing. Because God has told me that my set back was not that at all. It was a set up for the awesome blessings he has in-store for me. I will be talking about this more because I am amazed at how many of us are dealing with it and are acting out through other things due to the depression. Let's break free from this together. Lets stomp that giant on the head and get fit, get financially healthy, repair our relationships, get that promotion or job we want. 2010 using your giants to step forward.
I say to you all don't get discouraged don't drop your head. Weeping endures for a night BUT joy does come in the morning. May today and everyday of your lives be filled with the richness that can't be earned but was bought for you and me by the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior my King of Kings, my heavenly father Jesus the Christ.
Remember you can leave me a comment anytime good or bad. Gods is teaching me things through all of it
I am learning to put me (MJ) first and not feel guilty about it. I have embraced some injuries that have helped me better understand what some of my clients are going through. In addition, I am going through something that many people are going through; depression. Yes, I am admitting it and some of you need to. We all go through it and some of us stay in it longer than the other. It really hit me last year. Many ups and downs but don't get it twisted. God was there the entire time.
Now this blog today is not for those who got it together. Ya know those that everyday is a great day. Nah this ones not for you. This is for my brothers and sisters who have gone through and are still. This is for those that want to be better than they have been. This is for those who have some giants that need to be stepped on and kicked out. If that's you, then read on.
I always ask God to use me and he has sent many in my life to help me and for me to help. He also allowed me to see those that where there to harm me too. Had I not experienced the trials I had in life I would not be able to really help others. I mean lets face it. It is hard to ask a dog about being a cat, right? Well if either the cat or dog answer you, you have more going on than depression. (smile). No worries a psychiatrist can help with both issues. lol
What I am saying is depression is a natural thing and you can learn from it. I have and still am learning that depression, many times, is a way to show you your faults or weakness within your emotions. I mean much of my depression comes from the fact that I fear failing. I am a perfectionist. I except others faults but not my own.
Well, God keeps reminding me that inspite of I am still in his book and my friends that's a wonderful unconditional love I just can't live without.
Though last year was rough and seemed like a set back or let down, my faith tells me that this is the beginning of my set up.
A set up for blessings and forward movement in my life. I have not let go of my faith therefore ,I will not grow weary in well doing. Because God has told me that my set back was not that at all. It was a set up for the awesome blessings he has in-store for me. I will be talking about this more because I am amazed at how many of us are dealing with it and are acting out through other things due to the depression. Let's break free from this together. Lets stomp that giant on the head and get fit, get financially healthy, repair our relationships, get that promotion or job we want. 2010 using your giants to step forward.
I say to you all don't get discouraged don't drop your head. Weeping endures for a night BUT joy does come in the morning. May today and everyday of your lives be filled with the richness that can't be earned but was bought for you and me by the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior my King of Kings, my heavenly father Jesus the Christ.
Remember your set back may just be a set up! Oh taste and see that the Lord is so so good.
Remember you can leave me a comment anytime good or bad. Gods is teaching me things through all of it
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