Sunday, August 30, 2009


Life is to short to stress over things-
in the end what really matters are not things at all!

So what really matters. Well, sometimes that depends on the individual, but I have found that it is the time we take to let someone know you care. We live in a fast paced, texting, sexing, forward the email kinda world and nothing is better than that of a human voice the vibrations of the soft tone of I love you or can I help you. Taking that hour lunch or just taking a drive with a friend allows us to share, vent and exhale just how life really is. If you find you have know one to do this with or for, my best suggestion is to talk with God.

Spend a moment with him in the morning. Turn the TV off in the evening and thank him for all he has done for that day. If you think about it, every second someone dies. My friends if you are still reading this blog you are blessed. See that seems so easy but it is not because it is truly his grace that allowed you to continue to read. I am so thankful for the breath he gives me daily. As you talk with him for that moment your relationship with him builds and just like a friend your moments become longer and longer. The most wonderful thing about this relationship is he WILL NEVER forsake you. He is a rock that will always be there. I know for myself.

Talk to him about all the THINGS you are stressing about. I am and it is a calming response he gives me that softly says I got you MJ-
hmmmm What a mighty God I serve.

If you are gonna pray then no worries. If you are gonna worry then just don't pray. Believe that He's got you.

...because he does.

G'night-MJ FitChik4Life

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~Newt Gingrich

Today is a bleachers, sprint, plyometrics, abs and hamstrings day. Say that 5x in a row. It rained last night and I slept so hard. It is wet this morning outside so I know I need to be careful. I am now 3 weeks out from my show in NY and what's even more exciting is I get to see my family especially my mom. Hopefully they will all be at the show and that has me pretty stoked.

My mom's birthday is 3 days before my show. I will eat cake with her after the show. lol. Yep, I just have to learn that even though I am competing life is still gonna happen. I already have been taught this many many times.

In 2005 my husband and I bought our first home, the first year I started competing. 6 months later we had a house fire. It started due to a LICENSED HVAC company trying to fix our old furnace which we where gonna replace in the summer of that year. Well long story short we had to live in a hotel for 3 1/2 months. I dieted down for my second show in an extended stay hotel room. My husband deployed while we where there. So it was just me and my cat dieting, working with contractors and then moving back in. I remember moving back in and packing my suits up on top of all the boxes. A few friends came over and help me cook fish and bag asparagus up. It was crazy, but I learned that you can do anything you want when you are determined.

The show was a 2006 GNC Masters show and you can earn your pro card their. I didn't now that until I got to the show. I didn't even know it was an NPC national show. All in all, I got 6th place and I look back and that was pretty darn placement for a 2nd show and 308 competitors.

Again when you are determined you can do anything-God has shown me that I am more than a conqueror.

Holla back at me anytime-MJ FitChik4Life Fox

Friday, August 28, 2009

Get it in! Grrr.....

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.

OK, so I was suppose to be at the gym at 5:30 and it is now 6:51am. I over slept, but that's OK because I am still gonna get it in and get it done. I used to beat myself up because I failed at an expectation I made for myself. Well not anymore I am proud I am able to get up.
Many times we feel, awww man , it's to late I can do it now. WHY? Something is way better than nothing.
When I woke up I had to pray even though I was late according to my planed day. I don't have my first gym client until 11:30am and I have an appt at 9am. I will be OK with time. I just won't have enough time to do anything else in between my first meal and my 9am appt. God has a way of when you have good intentions He amazes me how He works it out.

I serve a God who can take all my plans that I failed to accomplish and create a new with better results than the plan I put together. Why? Because He is an all knowing God and I am thankful He is my Father.
Will holla at ya later, blessings to you all. Lesson today-Get over it and don't sweat the small stuff. -MJ FitChik4Life Fox 3wks and 1day out till showtime again.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Come on in!

Welcome to a corner of my world. I just started this blog and want to thank you in advance for wanting to take a peak into my life. If you feel comfortable, then stay for a while, let's talk, learn, cry, laugh, all in all let's LIVE, everyday to the fullest.