Friday, January 1, 2010

2010-Better than I've been!

Happy New Year to you all. Today is new day. New beginnings and I must say 2009 was a very interesting year. Many learning curves for me. Teaching me more and more about myself. The good the bad and the ugly.(smile)
I am learning to put me (MJ) first and not feel guilty about it.  I have embraced some injuries that have helped me better understand what some of my clients are going through.  In addition, I am going through something that many people are going through; depression. Yes, I am admitting it and some of you need to. We all go through it and some of us stay in it longer than the other. It really hit me last year.  Many ups and downs but don't get it twisted. God was there the entire time.

Now this blog today is not for those who got it together. Ya know those that everyday is a great day. Nah this ones not for you. This is for my brothers and sisters who have gone through and are still. This is for those that want to be better than they have been. This is for those who have some giants that need to be stepped on and kicked out.  If that's you, then read on. 

I always ask God to use me and he has sent many in my life to help me and for me to help. He also allowed me to see those that where there to harm me too. Had I not experienced the trials I had in life I would not be able to really help others.  I mean lets face it. It is hard to ask a dog about being a cat, right? Well if either the cat or dog answer you, you have more going on than depression. (smile). No worries a psychiatrist can help with both issues. lol

What I am saying is depression is a natural thing and you can learn from it. I have and still am learning that depression, many times, is a way to show you your faults or weakness within your emotions.  I mean much of my depression comes from the fact that I fear failing. I am a perfectionist. I except others faults but not my own.

Well, God keeps reminding me that inspite of I am still in his book and my friends that's a wonderful unconditional love I just can't live without.

Though last year was rough and seemed like a set back or let down, my faith tells me that this is the beginning of my set up.

A set up for blessings and forward movement in my life. I have not let go of my faith therefore ,I will not grow weary in well doing.  Because God has told me that my set back was not that at all. It was a set up for the awesome blessings he has in-store for me.  I will be talking about this more because I am amazed at how many of us are dealing with it and are acting out through other things due to the depression.  Let's break free from this together. Lets stomp that giant on the head and get fit, get financially healthy, repair our relationships, get that promotion or job we want. 2010 using your giants to step forward.

I say to you all don't get discouraged don't drop your head. Weeping endures for a night BUT joy does come in the morning.  May today and everyday of your lives be filled with the richness that can't be earned but was bought for you and me by the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior my King of Kings, my heavenly father Jesus the Christ.

Remember your set back may just be a set up! Oh taste and see that the Lord is so so good.

Remember you can leave me a comment anytime good or bad. Gods is teaching me things through all of it


  1. Beautifully stated MJ. I too have dealt with the ups and downs this past year and I can't agree more that in the depressed states we have an opportunity to learn about our own faults and weaknesses - embrace them and grow beyond.


  2. Yes and sometimes seeing those faults is UGH!!! But it is this that we can grow. Thanks for the comment. May you have a blessed week filled with joy and yes learning!

    Much love to ya,MJ

  3. This is a really good post! Thanks for sharing. :)

    God Bless!


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